muslim chemists

  • 721 BCE

    precise scale which weight items six four hundred eighty smaller than a kilogram(721-815) Jabir Ibn Hayyan

    Jabir made a scale that can weight stuff which makes it way easier for scientists
  • 721 BCE

    Chem glass we measure today

    Chem glass we measure today
    721-815 jabir made another tool to measure when doing an expirement
  • Jan 1, 721

    Hydroloric and nitro acid jabir

    Hydroloric and nitro acid jabir
    Jabir Surprisingly discovered some acids. Hydronic and nitro acids. It says he used Islamic reasoning to help him
  • Jan 1, 865

    Chemical compounds

    Mohamed ibn Zakariya found chemical compounds. Chemicals that combine to make another one:
  • Jan 1, 873

    Base metals can not be converted to precious metals

    Honestly I don’t know what precious metals are I think they are like valuable metals but Al kindi made this discovery
  • Jan 1, 890

    Periodic table

    Periodic table
    Mohamed ibn zakariya made the periodic table or the early version as it has changed
  • Jan 1, 936

    First sublimation and distillation

    Abu Al-Qasim made the discovery of sublimation and distillation.
  • Second rapid laser to test atoms in a chemical reaction

    Second rapid laser to test atoms in a chemical reaction
    Ahmed zewail made a laser that tests the atoms and their charge in chemical reactions 1946-2016