Muhammed: How Islam began?

  • 570

    Muhammad born

    Muhammad born
    Born in Mecca
  • 571

    Muhammad's mother got a nurse named Halima to care for him

    Muhammad's mother got a nurse named Halima to care for him
  • 575

    Muhammad's mother took him to Yathrib

    Muhammad's mother took him to Yathrib
    Muhammad was five or six
  • 576

    Muhammed's mother, Amina died

    Muhammed's mother, Amina died
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammed started making trips to a mountain cave to fast and meditate.

    Muhammed started making trips to a mountain cave to fast and meditate.
  • Jan 1, 613

    Muhammed told his tribe about his visits to the cave

    Muhammed told his tribe about his visits to the cave
    He told them that he was getting messages from God, that would become the Qur"an
  • Jan 1, 620

    Muhammed's wife and Uncle died

    Muhammed's wife and Uncle died
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammed's tribe tooka trip to Yathrib

    Muhammed's tribe tooka trip to Yathrib
  • Mar 1, 624

    The Battle of Badr

    The Battle of Badr
  • Mar 1, 625

    The Battle of Uhud

    The Battle of Uhud
  • Apr 1, 627

    The Battle of the Trench and the Siege of Medina

    The Battle of the Trench and the Siege of Medina
  • Jan 1, 630

    The Muslims marched into Mecca and the Meccans joined the Muslims

    The Muslims marched into Mecca and the Meccans joined the Muslims
  • Jan 1, 631

    Muhammed returned to live in Medina

    Muhammed returned to live in Medina
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammed died

    Muhammed died
  • Muhammad was passed into the care of his Uncle, Abu Talib

    Muhammad was passed into the care of his Uncle, Abu Talib
  • Muhammed and Khadija got married.

    Muhammed and Khadija got married.
    From 595-609 Muhammed managed her business.
  • Muhammed's father died

    Muhammed's father died
    He was barried in Yathrib before Muhammed was born
  • Muhammed built the first Muslim community in Yathrib

    Muhammed built the first Muslim community in Yathrib
  • A treaty was signed, but later breached that the Muslims would get freedom to move throughout Arabia

    A treaty was signed, but later breached that the Muslims would get freedom to move throughout Arabia