Muhammad was born
He was born in the town of Mecca which is located on a mountan, and was a orphan. -
Muhammad went to Yathrib
He went to Yathrib to see his fathers grave and his famiy. -
Muhammad went to live with his grandfather
He lived with his grandfather. -
Jan 1, 610
Muhammad started going on long retreates
One time a overpowering presence came and tought him some words of beauty. -
Jan 1, 613
Mecca's tribe would not trade with Muhammads people
Jan 1, 616
Muhammads wife and uncle died
Jan 1, 617
Mecca's leader attempted to kill Muhammad
Feb 1, 622
Muhammad made the first Muslim community over six years in Yathrib
Sep 6, 622
Muhammad and his people went to Yathrib
Mar 1, 624
The Muslims won the Battle of Badr
Mar 1, 625
The Muslims lost the second battle the Battle of Uhud
Apr 1, 627
The Muslims out lasted the last battle The Battle of the Trench and the Siege of Medina
Jan 1, 630
The power went to Muhammad
Apr 1, 630
Mecca's joind Muhammads people
Jan 1, 632
Muhammad consulidated the Arabian Peninsula
Mar 1, 632
Performed a pilgimage in Mecca
Jun 8, 632
Muhammad died
His grandfather died
His granfather died -
Muhammad went to live with his uncle
Muhammad became a shephered as a job
Muhammed met a merchant
The merchants name was Abu Talib and they travled together. -
Muhammad got the nickname El-Amin which means the one that you can trust
Muhammad started working for Khadija bint Khawalayd
They were distant cousans -
Muhammad and Khawalayd got married
He still managed her business.They had six kids -
A treaty was signed betwwen them