Muhammad Timeline Project

  • 570


    Muhammad is born in the year 570 C.E. in the town of Mecca.
  • 575

    Muhammad Becomes an Orphan

    Muhammad's parents die, and he goes to stay with his uncle. Also, he sometimes travels with his uncle's caravan.
  • Oct 17, 600

    Small Pox

    Small Pox
    Small pox spreads from India to Europe
  • Oct 15, 610

    Muhammad Becomes a Prophet.

    While Medditating in a cave, Muhammad is visited by an overwhelming presence, where he is told of the religion Islam.
  • Oct 17, 610


    Heraclius arrives by ship from Africa at Constantinople, overthrows East Roman Emperor Phocas and becomes Emperor.
  • Oct 15, 613

    Muhammad Spreads Islam.

    Muhammad begins to tell people about Islam, and his words are later used in the Koran.
  • Oct 17, 616


    Shah Chosroes II invades Egypt.
  • Oct 17, 616

    Battle at Chester

    Aethelfrith of Northumbria defeats the Welsh in a battle at Chester.
  • Oct 17, 622

    Muhammad Travels from Mecca.

    Muhammad and his followerstravel to Yathrib, the city that later becomes known as Medina.
  • Oct 17, 626

    Avars and Persians

    The Avars and the Persians jointly besiege but fail to capture Constantinople.
  • Oct 17, 627

    Muhammad and Mecca Battle.

    Because Muhammad was becoming bore and more powerful, Meccans fought 3 battles with the muslim people.
  • Oct 17, 627


    Emperor Heraclius defeats the Persians, ending the Roman-Persian Wars.
  • Oct 17, 630

    Mecca Becomes Muslim.

    After years of fighting, Muhammad marched into Mecca with thousands of his followers and, seeing the tides had changed, Mecca joined them.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's Death.

    Muhammad dies after a brief illness.
  • Muhammad gets a Job.

    Muhammad begins to work for a wealthy tradeswoman named Khadija.
  • Muhammad's Family Life,

    After a year of having Muhammad work for her, Khadija proposes marraige and the two get married and have 6 children, 2 of them dying in their infancy.
  • China

    Tang Dynasty of China initiated by Li Yuan.
  • Chenla Kingdom

    The Chenla kingdom completely absorbed Funan.