Muhammad Timeline

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    Muhammad was born in Mecca, Arabia. The name, Muhammad, comes from the Arabic word hamada which means to praise. As a child, he learned to speak Arabic fruently because of his location in Mecca. In addition, his uncle and grandfather took care of him because his parents passed away when he was still a child. Muhammad's birth is an important part in his life because your birth gives you life here on earth and because without him, Islam faith would not be around today(Muhammad and).
  • 574

    Pope John III died

    Pope John III died
    Pope John III was focused on people's welfare. When General Narses died, Pope John III came back from the catacombs. He helped to save the catacombs. He died on July 13th, 574. His death is significant in the history of the world because the world has now lost someone who had passion in keeping up the Christian monuments. He is also important because he helped to complete the Church of Saints Philip and James(Pope).
  • 585

    Building of Horyuji Temple

    Building of Horyuji Temple
    The Horyuji temple was built in Nara, Japan. Other temples are in the Nara Park which is one thousand three hundred acres but the Horyuji temple is seven miles southwest of Nara. This temple was made by wood and some of the pieces are still standing today. This event is significant in history because it brought beauty to the place where Buddhism first came to in Japan. (Beauty)
  • 595

    Muhammad Marries Khadijah

    Muhammad Marries Khadijah
    Muhammad marries Khadijah at age twenty-five. Khadijah is a widow and had a lot of kids. Khadijah needed an agent to set up wagons to go to Syria and have them come back with items to exchange for money in Mecca. She hired Muhammad because of his excellent leading of caravans. Khadjah was impressed by Muhhamad's ability and handsomeness so they married. Muhammad marrying Khadijah was important because it gave him more economic stability with receiving more money and most success(Oliver 25).
  • 595

    First Real Record of Decimal Calculation

    First Real Record of Decimal Calculation
    The first decimal calulation occured in India. With creating the decimal place, they also created the families of the nine numerals. This event is important because we still use decimals and the nine numberals in the world today(Indian).
  • Jan 1, 609

    Crwth developed

    Crwth developed
    The crwth is a celtic musical instrument. It had a lotal of six strings along with a flat bridge and a fingerboard. The melody of this instrument is played on four strings. This instrument has been played since Roman times. This event is significant because it developed the culture of the Celtics. The Celtics are now known for the crwth in their arts or music(Dolmetsch).
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad receives his first revelation

     Muhammad receives his first revelation
    Muhammad called his revelations "true visions" and "like breaking of the light of dawn". He began to analyze himself after the visions and began to like being alone on Mount Hira in a cave near Mecca. He mediated there and he would often hear words but did not know who spoke them. This event is important because it began the thoughts Muhammad needed to start his thinking of religion and god(Oliver 21-22).
  • Jan 1, 616

    Muhammad and Hashim clan boycott by Quraysh

    Muhammad and Hashim clan boycott by Quraysh
    Muhammad was from the Hashim group in the Quraysh.The main group, Quraysh, began a boycott towards the Hashim people because they disagreed with Muhammad. The boycott stated that no one could marry a Hashim person and that no one could sell or buy goods to Hashim people. The Muttalib group were boycotted against and both groups had diffuculties including the lack of food. This event is important because it showed that Muhammad is only interested in worshipping his own religion(The Boycott).
  • Jan 1, 619

    Night Visit to Jerusalem

    Night Visit to Jerusalem
    Muhammad made a night visit to Jerusalem in the month of Rajab. He went to heaven while he was in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. When he was in heaven, Muhammad met prophets and learned about different prayers. This event is important because it gave Muhammad and his followers energy and also trust in God for being there for them(The Story).
  • Jan 1, 620

    Production of Porcelain

    Production of Porcelain
    The production of porcelain began in China in the Tang dynasty. At this time, whitewares were being created in the north of China where the greenwares were being created in the south of China. Porcelain had then evolved to have a painting on it to make it more beautiful. They usually decorated the ware with a copper color. This event is significant because it is a symbol of China. It is also important because we still use porcelain today in some bowls or pots we have(Porcelain).
  • Mar 15, 624

    Battle of Badr

    Battle of Badr
    The Meccan army went to the well of Badr where they saw the Muslim army waiting for them. The battle began with one person against another person for a while but then developed into a battle with swords. The Quran thought that a thousand angels helped Muhammad's army. In the end, the Muslims had won. This event is important because it sparked the start of the Islamic expansion and still affects the study of land today(Did).
  • Mar 1, 625

    Battle of Uhud

    Battle of Uhud
    The Muslims got attacked by Mecca. Some Muslims did not obey their plan and left their area because of selfishness and honor. This action that some Muslims took, overall made the Muslims lose the battle. This event is important because the Muslims felt inspired by the Quran and supported their obligation(What Role).
  • Mar 1, 628

    Treaty of Hudaibiyah

    Treaty of Hudaibiyah
    The Quraish had hatred towards Muslims. They blocked Muslims from entering Mecca by their army. The Quraish also did not treat the delegate, who was asking permission, very nicely. The Treaty of Hudiabiyah was then created and agreed upon that all friendliness to both the Quraish and Muslims would end for ten years. This event is important because it caused Muhammad to go back to Medina with the other muslims(The Treaty).
  • Jan 1, 630

    Cotton Introduced in Arab Countries

    Cotton Introduced in Arab Countries
    Cotton was first introduced by the Arab countries. They brought the cotton to Europe. Columbus then had found cotton growing on America in 1492( much after Muhammad's life). Cotton being introduced is important in history because cotton is what most of our clothing is made from and other essentials. Without cotton, we would not have some of the things we have today like clothing(History).
  • Mar 9, 632

    Farewell Pilgramage to Mecca

    Farewell Pilgramage to Mecca
    His farewell pilgrimage was with a variety of people in size and strength. On his farewell pilgrimage, Muhammad spoke his Farewell Sermon in the Uranah valley in Mount Arafat. This event is important because it united Arabia with one religion, Islam. This event was also important because every Muslim still remembers his speech today and still are impassioned by it(Farewell).
  • Jun 8, 632

    Death of Muhammad

    Death of Muhammad
    After his farewell pilgrimage, Muhammad began to weaken. In the morning, his fever decreased so he went to the mosque. The Prophet completed the prayer that Abu was reading. Hours later, he fainted and woke up an hour later. He died later that day in the night on the twelfth of Rabi' al-Awwal. This event is important because it stopped his motivation personally for his religion when he died. It did not stop this message because many people thought of him as an example though(Death).