Muhammad Timeline

  • 570

    Muhammad's birth

    Muhammad, a prophet of Allah, is born.
  • 577

    Muhammad's Family

    Muhammad lost both of his biological parents by the time he was only 6 years old.
  • Nov 7, 610

    1st Revelation

    Muhammad had his first revelation in which he first believed to be demon possesion. However, after almost commiting suicide, he is stopped by an angel who he believes is Gabriel
  • Aug 20, 613

    Muhammad Preaching in Mecca

    Muhammad was preaching in Mecca about how he had received a message from Gabriel about how God is omnipotent, but also merciful. He also preached about how Abraham, Moses, and Jesus had also believed the same truth about God.
  • Sep 24, 622

    Escaping Persecution

    Muhammad sent some of his followers to Abyssinia to esacpe the persecution.
  • Mar 8, 632

    Muhammad's final revelation

    Right before Muhammad's death, he received his final revelation from God. He was traveling back from Mecca. His final revelation created the backbone for the Quran.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's death

    Muhammad died.
  • Battle of the Trenches

    Muhammad created a peace treaty with the Quraysh. If he hadn't then the Muslims would not have been able to enter into Mecca.
  • Muhammad Married

    Muhammad and Khadijah, his second cousin, are married. She already has 2 sons and later, she becomes his follower.