Early Life
Born in Makkah to a merchant family, he was orphaned at five. He grew up to become a caravan manager and married a rich widow named Khadija. -
Becoming Troubled
Muhammad became troubled by the growing gap between the generosity of most Makkans and the greediness of the wealthy elite. Deeply worried, he began to visit the hills to meditate. -
Muhmmad believed that Allah had already releaved himself through the Moses and Jesus-and thus through the Jewish and Christian traditions. He believed that the final revalations of Allah were now being given to him. -
Quran, the holy book of Islam. The word Islam means "peace though submission to the will of Allah" The Quran contains the ethical guidelines and laws by which the followers of Allah are to live. -
Period: 570 to Nov 30, 632
Muhammad's Life and Other Events
Nov 30, 605
Exposure of the Persian Border to Arabia
Numan III, the Lakhmid ruler, quarrelled with the Persian Chosroes, who abolished the privileges which had been enjoyed by his family in return for defending the desert frontier. As a result, the Arab tribes along the Euphrates rebelled agaisnt the Persians and left the border with Arabia unguarded. The same had happened previously in 581 along the Syrian border of the Byzantines. -
Nov 30, 622
During year 1 of the Islamic Calander
Muhammad and his supports moved north to Yathrib, later renamed Madinah (Medina; "city of the prophet"). The journey to Madinah is known as the Hijarh. Muhammad began to win support from people in Madinah, as well as from the Arabs in the desert, known as bedouin. -
Nov 30, 630
Birth of Ibriham (prophet's son)
Prophet Ibrahim tried to make his people see the foolishness of their ways, explaining to them and to his father, “How is it that you worship these idols which you made with your own hands? They are neither capable of benefitting you, nor are they capable of causing you harm.”
But the people replied, “This has been the tradition of our forefathers, and we have seen them worship these idols in this way.” -
Dec 1, 631
Death of Ibrahim
Ibrahim fell seriously ill sometime after the Battle of Tabuk at which time he was reported as being either sixteen or eighteen months old. He was moved to a date orchard near the residence of his mother, under her care and her sister Sirin. When it was clear that he would not likely survive Muhammad was informed. -
Nov 30, 732
Charles Martel
Charles reformed his troops expecting another attack, but to his surprise it never came as the Umayyads continued their retreat all the way to Iberia. Charles' victory at the Battle of Tours saved Western Europe from the Muslim invasions and was a turning point in European history. -
Nov 30, 1187
The Battle Of Hattin
The Battle
The Fourth of July, a time for Americans to celebrate their War of Independence from the English in 1776, had an entirely different meaning to medieval Europe. For the Fourth of July, 1187 was to be one of the bloodiest battles of the crusades, the Battle of the Horns of Hattin. -
Nov 30, 1347
Black Death
The Black Death, the most severe epidemic in human history, ravaged Europe from 1347-1351. This plague killed entire families at a time and destroyed at least 1,000 villages. -
Nov 30, 1382
Ibn Khaldun
Ibn Khaldun's chief contribution lies in philosophy of history and sociology. He sought to write a world history preambled by a first volume aimed at an analysis of historical events. This volume, commonly known as Muqaddimahor 'Prolegomena', was based on Ibn Khaldun's unique approach and original contribution and became a masterpiece in literature on philosophy of history and sociology. -
al-Askari Mosque
The al-Askari Mosque, also known as the Golden Mosque, servers as a mausoleum to 10th and 11th Imams, Imam Ali al-Naqi and Imam Hasan al-Askari. The golden dome on one shrine was presented by Nasr al-Din Shah and completed under Muzaffar al-Din Shah in the year 1905 A.D. Beneath the golden dome are four graves, those of Imam Ali al-Naqi (10th Imam) and his son, Imam Hasan al-Askari (11th Imam). The other two are of Hakimah Khatoon, the sister of Imam Ali al-Naqi who has related at length the c -
Death of Muhammad
Two months after performing the Hajj (Farewell Pilgrimage), Prophet Muhammad fell ill. He continued to lead the congregation prayers. After one of these prayers he invoked special blessings on the martyrs of Uhud, and then addressed the Muslims: “There is a slave among the slaves of Allah (The One God) to whom God has offered the choice between this world and that which is with Him, and the slave has chosen that which is with God.” -
Tang Dynasty
Tang Dynasty was the most glistening historic period in China's history. Founded in 618 and ending in 907, the state, under the ruling of the Tang Dynasty, became the most powerful and prosperous country in the world. Particularly, in this glorious period, the economy, politics, culture and military strength reached an unparalleled advanced level. -
Exposure of Byzantine Border to Arabia
The ruling Prince of the Ghassan tribe, being a Monophysite Christain, was arrested and taken to Constantinople for alleged treason. The Byzantines withdrew their recognition of the Ghassan Dynasty, which had been living along the Syrian border and protecting it in reurn for a subsidy and other privileges. This left the tribe in defiance and the desert border exposed to Bedouin attacks from Arabia.