Muhammad was born in the year 570 in the town of Mecca, a mountain town in the high desert plateau of western Arabia. -
His mother took him to Yathrib to stay with relatives and visit his father's grave there
Orphaned upon the death of his mother and placed in the protection of his paternal grandfather, then his uncle. -
Poor Life
Upon his grandfather's death in 578, Muhammad, aged about eight, passed into the care of a paternal uncle, Abu Talib -
Muhammad marries his wealthy twice-divorced distant cousin, Khadijah.
Six children were born to them, two sons who both died in infancy, and four daughters -
Jun 19, 610
Receives first revelation from God during the month of Ramadan. -
May 8, 613
Took his message public, to preach Islam publicly in Mecca. these would later become the Qu'ran, Islam's sacred scripture. -
Dec 4, 622
Growing Muslims
Muhammad remained here for the next six years, building the first Muslim community and gradually gathering more and more people to his side.
Emigrates with his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, soon to become known as Medina. -
Feb 11, 624
Battles Begin
Muhammad orders the 7th Caravan Raid against the pagan Meccans, and kills its leader. Since then, the battle around Islam begins. -
Apr 25, 631
Arabians to Islam
Muhammad sends Khalid ibin al-Walid and other warriors to the remaining non-Muslim Arabian tribes, forcing them to accept Islam. -
Jun 8, 632
Returned to Mecca to perform a pilgrimage.
June 8, 632 he died
He is buried in the mosque in Medina.