Muhammad's Life

  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

    Born in the town of Mecca.
  • 575


    Mom dies and paternal grandfather and uncle are in charge of taking care of him.
  • 595

    Muhammad get's married

    Marries a widow.
  • 610

    Revelation from God

    receives revelation during the first month of Ramadan
  • 613

    Public Message

    Publicly announced that he would later become Koran's Islam sacred scripture.
  • 622


    Muhammad immigrates with followers from Mecca to Yathrib aka Medina
  • 624

    Three Major Battles

    The Battle of Badr (victory), 625 The Battle of Uhud (defeat), and 627 The Battle of the Trench (victory).
  • 628


    Two sides sign treaty reconsigning Muslims as new force in Arabia.
  • 629

    First Raid

    Raids into Christian lands at Muta.
  • 632

    Muhammad Dies

    Dies in Medina after an illness. Burried in Mosque of Medina.