Muhammad's Life

By mlidd18
  • 570

    Muhammad is born

    Muhammad is brought into life in the year 570 of the Gregorian calendar.
  • 575

    Becoming an orphan

    He becomes a orphan at age 5 and is taken care of by his grandfather
  • 578


    Muhammad goes to Mecca, and his grandfather dies. Now he is being taken care of by his Uncle
  • 595

    Gets his wife

    Muhammed marries Khadija when she proposed to him while she was 40 and he was 25.
  • 610

    First Revelation

    He has his first revelation and he fasted on mount hira at the age of 40. It was thought an angel came to him
  • 610


    Muhammed writes the Qur'an that talks about his revelation.
  • 613

    Begins to share his revelation

    He begins to share his revelation with people on the mountain and the people didn't agree with him.
  • 622

    Followers move

    His followers from Medina migrates to Yathrib and expand from there.
  • 630

    Power destroyed

    The power that the city of Mecca had is all taken away by the Muslims
  • 632

    Muhammad dies

    He dies from a illness in Medina after his return