Muhammad's Life

  • 633 BCE

    Death of Muhammad

    Death of Muhammad
    Muhammad's last days are spent with Aisha in her house, where he continues to issue orders and curse the Christians and Jews. Slumped against her bosom,he finally dies on the 8th of July. Ali (Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin) reports that Muhammad's penis was erect after his death.
  • 632 BCE

    The Farewell pilgrimage

    The Farewell pilgrimage
    After completion of the pilgrimage, Muhammad delivers his famous sermon which leads to the commencement of the conquests against the Christians and Zoroastrians.
  • 631 BCE

    All Arabians submit to Islam

    All Arabians submit to Islam
    Muhammad sends (the now converted) Khalid ibin al-Walid and other warriors to the remaining non-Muslim Arabian tribes, forcing them to accept Islam.
  • 630 BCE

    Muhammad rules Arabia

    Muhammad rules Arabia
    The Muslims prevail in the Battle of Hunayn against the Bedouin tribe of Hawazin and conquer Ta'if. In doing so, they capture huge spoils, consisting of 6,000 women and children and 24,000 camels. Muhammad is now the ruler of Arabia.
  • 613 BCE

    Islam preached publicly

    Islam preached publicly
    For the first time, Muhammad begins to preach Islam publicly in Mecca. His preaching is met with skepticism, and he is accused of plagiarizing the “tales of the ancients”.[4] One of his most sternest of critics is his own uncle, Abu Lahab, who is cursed by name in the Qur'an.[5] The Meccans ask for miracles, but Muhammad gives them none.
  • 610 BCE

    The first “revelation”

    The first “revelation”
    Muhammad receives what he comes to believe is his first otherworldly visitation, which he later identifies with the angel Jibreel and a revelation from Allah. At first, he believes he may be possessed by a demon, and attempts to commit suicide, only to be stopped by the angel
  • 595 BCE

    Marriage to Khadijah

    Marriage to Khadijah
    Muhammad marries his wealthy twice-divorced distant cousin, Khadijah, who later becomes his first follower. She had already borne two sons and a daughter from her previous marriages, and the union between her and the "insignificant" Muhammad is a controversial one which almost leads to bloodshed
  • 577 BCE

    Death of mother

    Death of mother
    After his mother's death, Muhammad is taken in by his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib. And after his death, his paternal uncle, Abu Talib.
  • 575 BCE

    Return to Mother

    Return to Mother
    Believing that the young Muhammad is possessed by a demon, Halima returns him to his mother.
  • 570 BCE

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh is born in "the year of the Elephant". His father, ‘Abdu’llah ibn ‘Abdu’l-Muttalib, had died before his birth, and his mother, Amina bint Wahb, swiftly puts him into the care of a wet-nurse named Halimah.