
Muhammad Gandhi

  • Birth

    Muhammad Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar. Gandhi's father was the chief master of Porbandar and his mother was very religious and a devoted practitioner of Vaishnavism. Gandhi also had a wife, Kasturbai, and four children.(Clément 30) The birth of Gandhi is important because he was a big contributor to India's independence from Britain. Gandhi was also a very peaceful person fought with non-violence.(Richard 44)( Editors. Mahatma Gandhi)
  • Jehovah's Witness founded

    Jehovah's Witness founded
    In 1871 Jehovah's Witness was founded.(Grun 432) Jehovah's Witnesses are members of a religion who aspire to spread good for the future. witnesses believe that if you reject Jehova, their god, then you will be sentenced to extinction. And those who are new members, are baptized by immersion and are expected to life by a strict code of personal conduct. Witnesses also oppose certain medical practices that they believe violate their authority. (Melton)
  • Color Photographs first developed

    Color Photographs first developed
    Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell developed the first color photograph.(Grun 435) His theory was that by taking a mixture of black and white photographs through green, blue-violet, and red filters would project three separate images at the same time on a screen and create an image with the entire color spectrum. This development is important because the addition to light allows people to feel emotions through pictures and communicate in a new way. (Cain)
  • Gandhi becomes a lawyer

    Gandhi becomes a lawyer
    A age of 19, Gandhi left home to study law at the Inner Temple. When he returned to India in mid-1891 he established a law practice in Bombay, but was unsuccessful. Soon after this he accepted a position with an Indian firm that that sent him to South Africa with his family and they remained there for about 20 years.( Editors. Mahatma Gandhi)
  • Gandhi's first act of civil disobedience

    Gandhi's first act of civil disobedience
    When Gandhi traveled to South Africa, he faced racism and South African laws that defined the rights of Indian laborers. Gandhi was forcibly removed from a first-class railway carriage, and after this he decided to defend his rights, he stayed in South Africa and set forth a campaign against legislation that would rob Indians of their right to vote. This is vital because if this hadn't happened then the Natal Indian Congress wouldn't have been formed.( Editors)
  • Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress

    Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress
    When Gandhi stayed in South Africa, he looked at the intentions of the Natal Legislative Assembly and suggested that the Indians resist the attack on their rights. Gandhi immediately started to put a petition for a new law in action. Once the Natal Indian Congress was formed, its purpose was to fight discrimination against Indian traders in Natal. The formation of this congress is important because it gave Indians a higher class to look out for their rights. (Natal Indian Congress)
  • Start of World War 1

    Start of World War 1
    World War 1 started when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and the peace between Europe's great powers collapsed.(Grun 466) Soon after this Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Serbia teamed up against Austria-Hungary and Germany, and World War 1 had begun. This is important because it signaled that there was a change in the balance of powers and something had to be done. ( Editors World War 1)
  • Harlow shapley discoveries dimensions of the milky way

    Harlow shapley discoveries dimensions of the milky way
    Harlow Shapley is an American astronomer who understood that the sun lies near the central plane of the milky way and was actually 30,000 light-years away instead of being at the center of the galaxy.(Grun 473) He also made a study of the distribution of the globular clusters in the milky way.and realized that these clusters would gather around the center of the galaxy. From here he could conclude the approximate size of the galaxy.(Harlow Shapley)
  • The non-cooperation movement

    The non-cooperation movement
    0In 1920-1922 is when the non-cooperation movement took place. It was organized by Muhannad Gandhi, the purpose of it was to persuade British government of India to grant self-government to India. The movement was non-violent and consisted of Indians resigning their titles. Although the movement was unsuccessful, it was important because it marked the transition of Indian nationalism from a middle-class to a mass basis. (Britannica)
  • Gandhi and Indians burn registration cards

    Gandhi and Indians burn registration cards
    The Black Act required every Indian and Chinese man, woman, and child older than 8 to register with Registrar of Asciatics, having a registration card allowed them to stay in the Transvaal. They gathered and vowed not to submit to the Act, but some did not listen, and their cards were threatened to be burned. But they continued, Gandhi and the Indian community burned their cards in protest. This is important because it shows that they were going to stand up for their rights.(Leander)
  • Discovery of Penicillin

    Discovery of Penicillin
    Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin, the first antibiotic.(Grun 495) He discovered this antibiotic when he was looking through dishes and saw that on one plate, there was bacteria everywhere except around an area of mold. He later identified this as penicillin notatum, he found that it was able to kill widespread bacteria and so he tried isolating the penicillin. This is important because it led to the treatment of many deadly disease and new medical advances in the future.(Alexander)
  • Gandhi and the Salt March

    Gandhi and the Salt March
    The Salt March was an act of civil disobedience led by Gandhi, to protest British rule in India. During the march, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from his religious retreat near Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea coast.(Kytle 143) The march resulted in thousands if arrests including Gandhi. The Salt March was important because it led to the independence of India in 1947. ( Editors Salt March)
  • Hitler granted dictatorial powers

    Hitler granted dictatorial powers
    Adolf Hitler wanted a legally established dictatorship, during a cabinet meeting, Hitler discussed how to stop what was left of the democratic process to get an Enabling Act passed by the Reichstag which would hand over the constitutional of the Reichstag to Hitler.(Grun 504) By attempting this, he was plotting to bring democracy to and end in Germany. This is how Hitler got dictatorial powers, and this is important because it is the start of Hitler's reign in Germany.(Hitler becomes dictator)
  • Gandhi releases the quit India Campaign

    Gandhi releases the quit India Campaign
    The Quit India Campaign was the end of British rule in India. It was a civil disobedience movement, in which Gandhi called for immediate independence from Britain. After this campaign india had their Independence from Britain forever and there could be almost no communication with one another. The significance of this movement was that it set the demand for independence first on the agenda of the national movement. (Quit India Movement)
  • Gandhi starts a hunger strike that lasts for 21 days to stop communal riots

    Gandhi starts a hunger strike that lasts for 21 days to stop communal riots
    Gandhi started his longest fast in response to the government's insistence that the Indian Natal Congress was responsible for the disturbances in the previous year. Gandhi undertook this fast to condemn the government of India for state sponsored violence and to apologize for the violence of others. (Basu) Gandhi used fasts as a way to peacefully fight for a cause. This is important because it showed the people of India another way to stand up for themselves, in a non-violent way.
  • Death

    Muhammad Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic. In the last few years of his life, in and effort to end India's religious conflict, he resorted to fasts and visits to the troubled areas. Gandhi's life was very important because he made huge contributions to the independence of India, and his persuasive methods of civil disobedience influenced leaders of civil rights movements around the world. ( editors Gandhi Assassination)