Period: 570 to Dec 31, 632
Beginnings of Islam
Muhammad's Early Life
Muhammad Receives God's Message
Muhammad's Early Teachings
Muhammad's Early challanges
Muhammad's move to Medina
Islam spreads to Arabia (Part 1 and 2) -
Period: 570 to
Muhammad's early life
Muhammad was born into a important family but,his early life was not easy.His dad died before he was born and his mom died when he was 6.His grandfather first took care of him then his uncle.He traveled to Syria and Jerusalem with his uncle's carvans when he was young.When he was grown he managed a carvan business owned by a woman named Khadijah which he later married when he was 25.This is a secondary source (Burstein and Shek 59). -
Jan 1, 610
Muhammad Receives God's Message
When Muhammad was about 40 years old,he went to a cave to meditate.Then an angel to appeared and said to him "Recite in the name of your lord who created,created man from clots of blood!Recite!Your lord is the most bountiful one,who by the pen taught man what he did not know".At first he was afraid and didn't tell anyone execpt his wife about the voice in the cave.This is a secondary source (Burstein and Shek 60). -
Jan 1, 613
Muhammad's Early Teachings
Not all of Muhammad's teachings were new,some were much like the teachings of Judaism and Christianity.One in common is that they all taught that therewas only one god (allah).But muhammad respected Jews and Christians as 'people of the Book' because their holy books taught many of the same ideas that Muhammad taught.This is a secondary source (Burstein and Shek 61). -
Period: Jan 1, 613 to Jan 1, 622
Muhammad's early challanges
Muhammad had a great task ahead of him. In preaching God’s word, he would come face to face with rejection, abuse, humiliation and even banishment from his own people. He had to overturn his society’s backward practices, instructing them to embrace a set of universal principles that would unite all the tribes, provide a benchmark for justice, would eradicate racism, encourage them in acts of charity, protect those the vulnerable.This is a secondary source (Inspired by Muhammad.com). -
Jan 1, 622
Muhammad's move to Medina
Muhammad’s wife died, as did his uncle, leader of the Hashim clan. The new clan leadership withdrew protection of Muhammad. He moved to Medina after converts offered protection there. Converts grew substantially in Medina. All converted Meccans followed him to Medina.This is a secondary source (Worldology). -
Period: Dec 31, 622 to Jan 1, 632
Islam spreading to Arabia (Part 2)
All of Mecca was converted to Islam, and vestiges of traditional polytheistic religions were destroyed. Through military conquest and negotiations, Muhammad proceeded to conquer nearly all remaining Arabic tribes throughout Arabia, with most Arabs being converted to Islam.This is a secondary source (Worldology). -
Period: Dec 31, 622 to Jan 1, 632
Islam spreads to Arabia (Part1)
In 628, Medina and Mecca enter into a peace treaty. Muhammad redirects focus to surrounding Arab and Jewish tribes, in an attempt to convert them to Islam via military force. By 630, the Muslims had gained substantially in strength and numbers. When Mecca aided an ally tribe in their invasion of a tribe allied with Medina, the truce was broken, and Muhammad conquered Mecca.