Muhammad was born
Muhammad was born on 570 AD in the city of Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula. His family was the nobilist of family in Arabia, The Quarish. His father was Abduhllah and his mother was Amina. This event is significant because Muahmmad will go on to learning his passion for preaching and encourage others with his beliefs.
Source: (The Living Thought oof Prophet Muhammad 2) -
Feb 1, 610
Muahmmad recieves his first revelation
Muahmmad spoke about his visions that came to him in his sleep. He described these visions at first like he was becoming possessed by evil spirits. When he spoke to his family about his experience, he was assured that God would not punish the kind and good. This event is significant because Muahmmad is proclaimed the prophet of the Arab people.
Source: (Muhammad 21)
Source: (Muhammad 25) -
Mar 1, 613
Muhammad begins to speak publicly
As Muhammad began to speak publicly he was recognized as the messenger from God. Muhammad gained his first followers who were members of his own household. He taught his followers how to pray and live. This is significant because Muhammad begins to spread his beliefs and religious teachings to others.
Source: (Muhammad 30) -
Aug 1, 622
Muhammad and his followers flee to Medina
Muhammad decided to emigrate to Medina and seventy Muslim familes decided to join Muhammad on his journey. It was a risky decision to go on this journey because of the relation from the Quraysh. They feared that the Muslims could threaten Mecca if they become a strong corce in a new community. This is significant because Muhammad is doing this religious movement but it could also threaten the safety of Mecca.
Source: (Muhammad 34) -
Mar 1, 624
The Battle Of Badr
The Battle of Badr was between the Muslims and the Quraysh. Muhammad did not intend on going to battle but when he recieved information about the Quraysh returning to Mecca, the Muslims and Muhammad planned to attack. This is a significant event for Muhammad because this was a turning point in Muhammad's struggle with his enemies of the Quarish in Mecca.
Source: (Muhammad 40) -
Apr 1, 625
Exile of The Jewish Qaynuga Tribe
After the Battle of Badr, Muhammad defeats the Jewish in success. As a result of winning this battle, Muhammad abolished the Jewish Qaynuga tribe. This is a significant event because Muhammad was told thaat their victory was a result of God's intervention, sending thousaands of angels to fight with them. Also, this battle established the powerful force in Arabia.
Source: (Muhammad 44) -
May 1, 628
The Battle of Uduh
The Battle of Uduh was started beecause the Meccans wanted to get back at the Muslims for the defeat of the Battlee of Badr. While they were in battle there was a surprise attack made by the Meccans which led Muhammad to be severly injured. Muhammad's army was injured and some even killed. This is a signifficant event because even after the loss, Muhammad continued to have faith in his God and encouraged his followers to not lose hope.
Source: (Living Thoughts of Muhammad 23) -
Sep 1, 629
Exile of Banu Qurayza Jews
After the Battle of Uduh, an ally of Muhammad's of the Banu Qurayza was declared that he will die soon because of his wounds. In Muhammad's point of view he believed the rest of the men in Banu Qurayza failed to honor their agreement to their town and people. After this, it is led to the execution of the Banu Qurayza Jews. This is a significant event because it demonstrates the power Muhammad had.
Source: (Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet) -
Oct 1, 630
Conquest of Mecca
Muhammad declared that everyone in Mecca who no longer wish to fight Muslims that God is with them and he will forgive you. He preached to the Meccans which surprised them. The conquest of Mecca was a bloodless and has now ended many years of war and fighting between the Muslims and Quraysh. This event is significant because it shows the type of character Muhammad is by not taking revenge but showing forgiveness.
Source: (Muhammad 50) -
Jun 8, 632
Death of Muhammad
Muhammad's death was caused by a fever or illness but was not severe.
Source: (Muhammad 52)