
  • Muhammads marriage

    In 595 Muhammad married at 25 to a 40 year old. They had six children. Two sons died at infancy the other four were girls.
  • Muhammad recieves revelation

    in 610 Muhammad would go to a mountain cave and was instructed to recite word attributed to God.
  • Muhammad takes message public

    In 613 the message became known as the Qur'an, Islam sacred scripture.
  • Building muslim community

    In 622 Muhammad and a few hundred followers left Mecca and traveled to Yathrib. Muhammad stayed there for three years and started building the Muslim community.
  • Treaty

    In 628 a treaty was signed between Muhammads tribe and Madina. Recognized muslims as a new force in Arabia.
  • What the treaty did

    It gave then freedom to move throughout Arabia.
  • Mecca

    in 630 Muhammad and muslims marched on Mecca and were joined by tribe after tribe along the way
  • Muhammad final years

    In 632 Muhammad returned to Mecca and later in the year he died after an illness