Mt. St Helens

  • MT. St Helens

    MT. St Helens
    It started off with a small explosion.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    The mountain creates a small crater.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    18 steam eruptions happen.
  • Mt.St Helens

    Mt.St Helens
    The magma went to the side of the mountain.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    People were evacuated from the area and their homes.
  • Mt.St Helens

    Mt.St Helens
    They let everyone back into their homes because the people were protesting against them.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    Mount St. Helen's erupted right after they let everyone back into the area.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    The ash cloud rose into the sky which could be seen from 10 miles away. Lightning begin to form in the cloud.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    The ash cloud stretched 12 miles in length, and covered the air so you barely could see.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    The ash cloud covered 206 miles in horizontally and vertically.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    At 8:34 AM, the mountain starts to melt and it creates a lahar.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    At 9:45 AM, the ash cloud starts to head east.
  • Mt.St Helens

    Mt.St Helens
    At 10:10 AM, The ash cloud reaches Spoken Washington
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    At 2:10 in the afternoon, The eruption is still going strong.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    At 5:30 pm, The eruptions starts to decrease.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    The ash cloud finally starts to part ways and disappear.
  • Mt.St Helens

    Mt.St Helens
    It erupts again but only a minor event that didn't really cause a lot of damage.
  • Mt. St Helens

    Mt. St Helens
    The first tree is planted, almost year after the first eruption destroyed everything