My name is Peter O'Riley and I am from Ireland. I was born in Dublin and grew up there. After a good education, I left my family to sart my own life. I moved to the other side of Dublin because I wanted to stay close to my family. -
Potato Famine
The cause of this problem was because the potatos had a disease. The effect was that many like me, I had to immigrate because of no food and money.
The disease that the potatos had was called potato blight. About 1 million people died and 1 million people immigrated to the US. Ireland's population dropped by about 23% Like many, my crops were poisoned as well. I left for America because I was begining to lose everthing. -
Leaving Ireland
I leave for America like many others becuase of the Potato famine. I am traveling by myself because my parents died of the disease. All I brought to America was one pair of clothes, a gun, ammo, and pots and pans to sell. I need money to buy food and shelter. I don't know what to expect when I arrive at America but I know that it will be good. -
Arriving to America
The first thing I saw was the Statue of Liberty. It was the most beatiful thing that I have ever seen. When I got of the boat I stared and admired it with many others. But I still knew that I had to sell my pots and pans to get money and thats what I did. Altogether, I made $45. It was enough to buy a cheap apartment room and a watermelon for me to eat. -
I was able to get an apartment but Im not liking it. It is very small and dirty but at least it puts a roof over my head. The rent is $12 a week and I need to find a job that can pay that much. Right now I am thinking of getting a joba the factory. -
I got my job at the factory and it pays $17 dollars a week. Luckly it can pay of my rent but not by much. The only problem is that the factory has very bad working conditions. It is very stuffy in their and very hot. Though its miserable, I must fight through it and get my pay. -
Moving West
After a couple of years I have decided to move west. I am tired of working and living in a small apartment and I want my own free land. I am leaving for the Washington territory. I bought a horse that will help me reach my destination sooner and I bought an axe to help me build my house along with some nails. I have left with many other settlers to get our land. -
I Arrive in Washington
I have made it to Washington! I have found a very nice place to settle. It on a flat land of ground with a few trees and a river going through the flat land. I got my axe and made myself a nice house and started a small farm that grows wheat that I can harvest. I am now living here for the rest of my life. It is a calm peaceful area and with lots of fun with my neighbors. -
Homestead Act
After the homestead act passed, I get 160 acres of land. I have cultivated it for five years. I made a deal with my neighbors that if they give me beans weekly, then they can have 50 acres of my land. It worked out nicely and I have now built more gardens supplingy me with food for the rest of my life.