Moving Forward

  • IB available in Spanish

     Signifies the recognition of other international languages and the expanding reach of the curriculum.
  • IB develops mission statement

     The need to have a clearer direction of where the curriculum is taking the learners to.
  • Career-related Programme introduced

     The increasing importance of real-life, hands-on skills are increasing.
  • Self-Motivated Online Learning Introduced

     New skills to teach the students, focusing on how to motivate themselves.
     Some assessments are encouraged to be in a format where the students will have to complete it with minimal guidance from the teacher, but with a complete set of instructions in the beginning.
  • Alternative assessment and examination format

     There is a need to have a different format of how intelligence can be evaluated.
     Additional oral examinations or project-based examination to showcase understandings and skills acquisition for subjects outside group 1 and Core
  • Technology-based learning

     Classrooms will be mandated to use a certain level of technology in teaching the students (e.g. smart classrooms)
     Online courses for some subjects are made available as an option (teachers are facilitators)