
  • Communism

    A social/political/economic movement in which a classless, moneyless, stateless socialist government is put in place.
  • American Dream

    American Dream
    American Dream
    A social movement, the phrase American Dream used to describe what was considered the "motto" of sorts for American people regardless of race, religion, or social class. Phrase states that all people are equal and have the right to strive for a happy fufilling life.
  • McCarthyism

    A social and political movement created out of the 2nd Red Scare. Paranoia of communism was spread throughout the country, specially with the help of Joseph McCarthy a republican US senator from Wisconsin. During the McCarthy era people everywhere were making accuations of others "supposed" disloyalty, subversion, or treason without real evidence. Subjecting those people to aggressive investigation and questioning.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    Baby Boom
    A social movement during a period in time when the birth rate is suddenly greatly increased.
  • White Flight

    White Flight
    White Flight
    A social moveement created in the United States referring to the large-scale migration of whites from various European ancestries.
  • Beat Movement

    Beat Movement
    Beat Movement
    A social movement during a period in time when a group of post-World War II American writers documented the cultural phenomena they experienced. Beat culture usually included experimentation with drugs, alternative forms of sexuality, an interest in Eastern religion, a rejection of materialism, and an idealizing exuberant means of expression and being.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    Space Race
    A social and political movement in which the Soviet Union and the United States competed for supremacy in space exploration.
  • Great Society

    Great Society
    Great Society
    A social and political movement in which a set of domestic programs was introduced to the US and promoted by President Lyndon B. Johnson and fellow Democrats in Congress. Two main goals of the social reform was to eliminate poverty and racial injustice.
  • Environmentalism

    A social movement regarding the conservation of the environment and improving the environments health.
  • La Raza Unida

    La Raza Unida
    La Raza Unida
    A political movement in which Mexican-Americans fought for better housing, education, and work opportunities.