Motivation Theories

By kelly_m
  • Instinct Theory

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  • Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory

  • Drive-Reduction Theory

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

  • Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

  • Landsberger’s Hawthorne Effect

  • McGregor’s X and Y theory

  • McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory

  • Adam’s Equity Theory

  • Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

  • Edwin Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory

  • Alderfer's ERG Theory

  • Attribution Theory

  • Three-Dimensional Theory of Attribution

  • Weiner’s Three-Dimensional Theory of Attribution

  • Eccles Expectancy Value Theory

  • Expectancy Value Theory

  • Pygmalion Effect

  • Deci & Ryan’s Self Determination Theory

  • Social Cognitive Theory

  • Goal Orientation Theory

  • Pink’s Theory of Motivation

  • Amabile & Kramer's Progress Theory