Most important events in US history

  • The Declaration of Independence is approved by congress

    The Declaration of Independence is approved by congress
    2 days after the Declaration of Independence was signed on the fourth of July, congress approved the Declaration of Independence. The 56 who signed this document helped grant freedom for those living in the original 13 colonies and future generations of Americans. By signing this document those delegates are committing treason to the British government. They are risking their lives for our freedom.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    Great Britain and the 13 colonies sign a peace treaty. This treaty puts an end to the revolutionary war. By signing this treaty Great Britain acknowledges the freedom of the 13 colonies. Shortly after this treaty the articles of confederation is ratified and the original US government is formed.
  • George Washington becomes the first US president

    George Washington becomes the first US president
    George Washington wins every single one of the electoral college's vote. Washington is the only US president to win every single vote from the electoral college. Washington and his cabinet will help build a national treasury for our nation. After serving 2 terms Washington would finally retire.
  • The US Constitution is ratified by every state

    The US Constitution is ratified by every state
    The US Constitution would create a central government for the young US. This central government would help unite the 13 states. Rhode Island would be the last state to ratify the Constitution. Today the Constitution is used as the main factor to determine if a law or act will be passed or not.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    Thomas Jefferson would double the size of the United States. By buying 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million. Jefferson would make this deal with Napoleon Bonaparte. The France would give up this land for three cents per acre.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Andrew Jackson would pass an act that removes Native Americans from the land that they lived in for many years. This would help the United States expand at the cost of kicking many out of their homes. While building cities in the former land of the Native Americans, the US government would destroy much wildlife. In present-day America, native Americans receive many benefits due to the horrible acts committed during this time period.
  • The US defeats Mexico

    The US defeats Mexico
    The US would win the Mexican-American war. By winning this war the US gained a substantial amount of territory. This territory contains modern-day Cali, Arizona, Utah, and more states. Many military leaders in the civil war fought in this war, such as Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee.
  • California gold rush

    California gold rush
    300,000 plus people would migrate to California during this time. Due to a man finding gold in California. This would lead to California becoming populated with a diverse set of people. This would also lead to the wild west time period since many people including criminals went west.
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
    South Calorina would become the first of the Southern states to leave the United States. This event would lead to 10 other states leaving the Union. This event also helped build the foundations of the Confederate States of America. By leaving the US, South Carolina would help kick start the US civil war.
  • Civil war starts

    Civil war starts
    The Confederates would attack a Union fort located in the South. This would start the Civil war. This war leads to family members killing each other. This war would lead to the destruction of the south. This war was not only about slaves but economics.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln would announce to the Southern states that their slaves are free. Even though every Slaved in the United States was free by law, some were still held captive by their former owners. This proclamation would be a major step in racial equality. The freedom of slaves makes everyone in the United States one step closer to becoming equal.
  • Civil war ends

    Civil war ends
    Robert E.Lee would surrender his last major army. This would lead to peace negotiations with the Confederates. This would be the first major step towards the unification of the north and south. This would also lead to a shattered United States for the next 25 years.
  • USA enters WW1

    USA enters WW1
    After many antics from the Germans, the US would finally enter the first World war. The United States would team up with the Allies to help defeat Germany lead by Kaiser Will. After this war, the US would become an international superpower. Wilson in his own words fights for the democracy of every nation in the world.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The great stock market crash of the 1929's helped start this era. Many bank runs occurred which led to people taking their money out of banks. During this time of economic struggle, many people couldn't find work. The unemployment rate in the US was almost 25 percent.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan would send suicide bombers to attack a US naval base in Hawaii. This attack would lead to 2,335 US military personnel dying. This attack would lead to the United States entering WW2 on the side of the allied powers. US intervention in WW2 would help the allied powers win.
  • Hiroshima bombing

    Hiroshima bombing
    The bombing of Hiroshima showed the world the power of the atomic bomb. This event solidified the US as a military superpower. This event would change the world, due to the introduction of weapons of mass destruction. This lead to many other countries trying to catch up with the US nuclear arsenal.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    The United States played a crucial war in turning the Britsih colony, Palestine into the nation of Israel. President Truman was the first to recognize Israel as an official nation while many other people disagreed. By doing this the United States is putting itself into middle eastern conflicts. By protecting Israel the United States started many conflicts that still occur today.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Civil rights act of 1964
    President Johnson would sign the Civil Rights Act of 194. This act would make any type of racial discrimination illegal. This act will end legal segregation in the south. This act is crucial towards the development of an equal United States for everyone.
  • US astronauts land on the moon

    US astronauts land on the moon
    The Apollo 11 mission would lead to 3 US astronauts to be the first ever humans to walk on the moon. This mission would show that the US was technology superior to the Soviet Union. Niel Armstong and his two other peers would plant a flag on the moon's surface. This achievement helped the US win the space race against the Soviets.
  • Nixon calls a cease-fire

    Nixon calls a cease-fire
    President Nixon calls a cease-fire in Vietnam. By calling a cease-fire Nixon ends US participation in Vietnam. US troops will start pulling out of Vietnam. Shortly after North Vietnam will take over South Vietnam.
  • September 11 attacks

    September 11 attacks
    Al-Quaeda would hijack mutiple airplanes and crash them into serval important areas in the US. The most infamous crash site is the World Trade Center. After this attack, the patriot act would be passed. This act allows the national government to have strict surveillance on citizens of the US for national security.