Morris, Schneider

  • World War One

    World War One
    WW1 began in Europe in the 1900's. Many countries built strong armies and navies and formed many alliances. The growth of alliances kept tensions high. Europe was like gunpowder keg and one spark could set it off. The spark that started the war was the murder of Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Then the sytem of alliances caused the war to spread. The war ended in 1918 because the Central powers surrended.
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  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The morning of December 7th, 1914, the Japanese launched a surprise air attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. More than 2400 Americans died after just 2 hours of bombing, 21 ships got damaged and more than 188 U.S. aircrafts were destroyed.The attack of Pear Harbor outraged Americans, that the U.S. abandoned its policy isolationalism and went to war on Japan the next day. That brought U.S.into World War Two with Japan.
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  • Overthrowing Tsar Nicholas

    Overthrowing Tsar Nicholas
    Tsars had rulled Russia for hudrends of years, they were absolute rulers. Russians grew more unhuppy with their government in the 1900's. In 1917 tsar Nicholas II gave up his thrown because a revolution forced him to. Later Vladimir Lenin took control of the government and he made peace with Germany, and exacuted tsar and his family. Then the Russian Empire was renamed The Soviet Union.
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  • The Roaring Twenties

    The Roaring Twenties
    The roaring twenties started in the middle 1920s in America and other countries. The economy grew fast and many people enjoyed great wealth. During this time the Untied States was richer than any other country had been. Americans bought so many new things. Jazz music flourished. People lived a very fast-paced life sytle and they got the name The Roaring Twenties.
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  • US during the Depression

    US during the Depression
    In August1929 the stock market crashed of companies owned by inventors. The economy of the US and other countirues went from boom to bust. This lasted through the 1930's. About one fourth of americans couldnt find jobs, because the economy was so weak. Many left and went to travel looking for a job. Millions became homeless and couldnt eat.
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  • World War 2 Nazi Germany

    World War 2 Nazi Germany
    Adolf Hitler, a political ledaer took advantage of Germany disconetent. The Nazi party was led by him. Hitler and Nazis promised that they would make Germany great again. Nazi Germany built up their armed forces. using threats and military force he took control of land that bordered Germany.
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  • Roisevelt's new deal

    Roisevelt's new deal
    The new deal is a set of documents in the years 1933 to 1938. Roosevelt was the one who made this deal.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust is when the Nazi’s captured all the Jews and would kill them of. Over 6 million Jews were killed during it. They eould not get any food because they Nazies where not very nice about the food. When the US found the camps they let all the Jews go. Today there are not a lot of survivers of the Holocaust.
  • Atomic bombs

    Atomic bombs
    Japan made atomic bombs and attact peral harber. When the US found out that Japan made them. They thought they were the only ones who had bombs. So this brought the US into the war.
  • The cold war- communism and capitalism

    The cold war- communism and capitalism
    The Soviet Union and The U.S had differnt economies and governments. The soviet union was a communist country and Untied States was a capitalism country. Comunnism is where the government controlled property and business. and Capitalism was the opposite. Eatern Europe rejected it in 1989 when communist tried to control them. It ended because they demanded reforms. Capitalism prduced more wealth and communist couldnt compete.
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  • North Korea

    North Korea
    They were the country to start the cold war by invadeding south Korea. This is what we called the Korean war which took place during the cold war.
  • Vietnam

    In southeast Asia Vietnam split into communist North Vietnam and noncommunist South Vietnam. In the 1960's the United States sent troops to help South Vietnam and to fight communism in the Vietnam War. Millions of vietnams died, and thousands of Americans died in the war. North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam in 1975. The whole vietnam country became comunnist.
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