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Schlick sitting

Moritz Schlick (Apr 14, 1882 - June 22, 1936)

  • Moritz Schlick: Pre Vienna Circle

    Moritz Schlick: Pre Vienna Circle
    Moritz Schlick (born 14 April, 1882, Berlin, Germany--died 22 June, 1936, Vienna, Austria) was the leader of the Vienna Circle (Britannica). Moritz Schlick studied physics throughout Europe in the early 1900s. He received his PhD in physics in 1910 and began his prestigious teaching career in 1911. In 1922, Mortiz Schlick became a professor in philosophy of the inductive sciences at Vienna which would catapult his career with the founding of the Vienna Circle.
  • The Founding of The Vienna Circle

    The Founding of The Vienna Circle
    From as early as 1907, a group of philosophers began meeting in Vienna, Austria. It wasn't until 1922 when Moritz Schlick began teaching Philosophy at Vienna that the group was finally coined "The Vienna Circle", and Schlick was viewed as the leader/founder (IPE). The group included fellow philosophers Rudolf Carnap, Otto Neurath, Kurt Goldel, Philipp Frank, and Hans Hahn (Britannica).
  • The Vienna Circle

    Between the years of 1928 to 1935 the Vienna Circle would publish 10 books, all of which would be edited by Moritz Schlick and Philipp Frank (IEP). These can be viewed under the Vienna Circle's series "Papers on Scientific World View" (IEP). Attached is a short video detailing some of the happenings within the Vienna Circle.
    Link Text
  • The Downfall of the Vienna Circle

    The Downfall of the Vienna Circle
    In 1932, the Nazi party would become the largest political party in Reichstag (Holocausts Museum). This would in turn lead to the disbandment of the Vienna Circle. Almost all members fled to the U.S. (IEP). However, Moritz Schlick remained in Austria and would unfortunately be killed by a student in 1936 (Britannica). Moritz Schlick and the Vienna Circle were paramount for what we know today as Logical Positivism.