Period: to
2013 - 2020
Innovative Technology Academy
This state of the art training is designed to build the capacity for administrators to apply their understanding of how technology changes teaching and learning. The focus of this academy is to create 21st Century school leaders effective in the implementation of technology in K‐12 learning environments. -
Monte Vista 50th Birthday Celebration
CCSS Parent Training
Website Training for Teachers
Teachers will recieve training and begin creating a classroom website to enhance instruction and improve communication. -
No Excuses University Professional Development
No Excuses University Core Beliefs- Every student has the right to be educated in a way that prepares them for college.
- It is the responsibility of educators to create six exceptional systems that makes college a reality.
- Conferences and on-site trainings must be rooted in sharing practical strategies and ideas that can be implemented in classrooms the very next day.
SBAC Pilot
Project Based Learning Professional Development
In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. While allowing for some degree of student "voice and choice," rigorous projects are carefully planned, managed, and assessed to help students learn key academic content, practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking), and create high-quality, authentic products & presentations -
Implementation of the CCSS
Flipping the Classroom will be the Norm
The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which thetypical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. -
SMART Boards in all Classrooms
Digital Textbooks
Digital textbooks will replace traditional paper books. -
Monte Vista is Paperless
One-to-One School
One piece of technology used to access learning for each student. -
Curriculum Adoption
ELA and Mathematics Curriculum Adoption to meet the rigor of the Common Core State Standards. -
100% Success
Monte Vista students are fully prepared for the demands of future educational demands, college and career.