
Development and Persecution of Monotheistic Religions throughout Western Civilization

  • 2000 BCE


    Chosen by God, Abraham is considered the father of all three Monotheistic religions. His sons Issac and Ishmael are said to be the ancestors of Jesus and Muhammad, respectively.
  • 1571 BCE


    After an enslavement by the Egyptians, the Hebrews are freed by Moses. They wander the desert for 40 years before they settle in Jerusalem.
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonian Exile

    Babylonian Exile
    The Hebrews are held captive by the Babylonians. Judaism survives as they continue to practice despite Babylonian attempts to convert them.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ preaches throughout Jerusalem, accumulating many followers. He is put to death in 33 CE by the Romans as requested by Jewish leaders.
  • 33

    Early Christianity

    Early Christianity
    Following Jesus' death, his followers continue to spread his work and begin to write down his teachings. The early church is persecuted by the Roman Empire and Jewish leaders.
  • 367

    New Testament Established

    New Testament Established
    After a few centuries of new additions to the Bible, an official canon is recognized by the bishop of Alexandria. It is made up of transcriptions of Jesus' teachings and accounts of the early Christians as they spread the word of Jesus.
  • 476

    Fall of Roman Empire

    Fall of Roman Empire
    After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire rises. One of their leaders, Charlemagne, a devout Christian, uses his power as ruler to spread Christianity throughout his empire.
  • 570


    Muhammad receives holy text of the Quran from the angel Gabriel. He spreads his beliefs throughout Mecca, and the religion is widely accepted.
  • 661

    Shia and Sunni Split

    Shia and Sunni Split
    After the death of Imam Ali, there is conflict among Muslims about finding the next leader. The split that results still exists today, and is a source of discrimination and hatred with the Islamic religion.
  • 730

    Spread of Islam

    Spread of Islam
    Islam begins to spread out of Mecca throughout the Middle East by the end of the 7th century. It also begins to spread to Africa, Spain, and India.
  • Period: 1095 to 1492

    The Crusades

    Supported by the papacy, holy wars are waged on Jerusalem. It is an attempt by the Christian church to reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims.
  • 1453

    Fall of Byzantine/Rise of Ottoman Empire

    Fall of Byzantine/Rise of Ottoman Empire
    The Byzantine Empire is overthrown by the Ottomans in 1453. The empire is made of Turkish Muslims.
  • Period: 1478 to

    Spanish Inquistion

    The Inquisition originally began to weed out heresy in the Catholic Church. Over the years, many, including Jews and Muslims, were executed for not being Catholic on charges of witchcraft and the like.
  • 1517


    Martin Luther posts his 95 theses in 1517. This sparks the splintering of the Christian Church.
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    European Jews are persecuted by the Nazi party of Germany. Around 6 million Jews die, along with many who helped them and other marginalized groups.
  • Islamic Republic of Iran

    Islamic Republic of Iran
    The Islamic Republic of Iran is established as a result of the Iranian Revolution. This is the first Islamic state established in the modern era.