
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi time line

  • Gandhi is born

    Gandhi is born
    He was born October 2nd 1869 in Porbandar,
  • Married to Kasturbai makhanji

    Married to Kasturbai makhanji
    Mohandas Gandhi married Kasturbai makhanji when he was only thirteen and she fourteen.
  • Moved to london to study law at university college london.

    Moved to london to study law at university college london.
    He law at the university college london there he studied Indian law and jurisprudence and to train as a barrister at the Inner Temple.
  • Helped found the Natal Indian Congress

    Helped found the Natal Indian Congress
    He was best known for his restraint and moderation.
  • Adopted his methodology of Satyagraha

    Adopted his methodology of  Satyagraha
    He believed the most important battle to fight was overcoming his own demons, fears, and insecurities. Gandhi summarised his beliefs first when he said "God is Truth" which is in essentially his methodology of Satyagraha .
  • Took leadership of congress

    Took leadership of congress
    This was surprising because he had been unable to reach muslims.
  • Arrested, tried for sedation and sentenced six years imprisonmeant,

    Arrested, tried for sedation and sentenced six years imprisonmeant,
    He called off the campagin of dis obediance because he thought it was going to turn into violence, and was imprisioned.
  • Released from his imprisonment, after only serving two years of his si year imprisionment.

    Released from his imprisonment, after only serving two years of his si year imprisionment.
    He was only realesed because he had an appendicitis operation, and was released after only serving two years.
  • Gandhi starts the salt march.

    Gandhi starts the salt march.
    The salt march began as a boycot on unfair brittish tax on salt in india.
  • Salt march ends after walking a total of 388 kilometers or 241 miles.

    Salt march ends after walking a total of 388 kilometers or 241 miles.
    This was one of gandhi's most successful protests, upsetting British hold on India; British officials responded by imprisoning 60,000 people.
  • Gandhi begins a 21 day fast and launched a one year campaign to help the harijan movement.

    Gandhi begins a 21 day fast and launched a one year campaign to help the harijan movement.
    He did this as an act of self purification.
  • Gandhi withdrew from the congress party membership.

    Gandhi withdrew from the congress party membership.
    He did not disagree with the party's position, but thought that if he resigned other people would be heard.
  • Three attempts to kill Gandhi happened in the summer of 1934

    Three attempts to kill Gandhi happened in the summer of 1934
    Even though gandhi was nonviolent many people didnt like what he was doing and there were three attempts on his life.
  • Gandhi imprisoned agian for two years. Only to be let out may 6th because of a malaria attack.

    Gandhi imprisoned agian for two years. Only to be let out may 6th because of a malaria attack.
    Gandhi catches malaria while imprissioned and is let out because officials thought if he died in prision it would start an uproar.
  • Gandhi is assasinated

    Gandhi is assasinated
    shot while he was walking to a platform to address a prayer meeting.He was assassinated by athuram Godse.