Mohandas Gandhi is one of the most famous leaders and champions for justice in the world. His principles and firm belief in non-violence have been followed by many other important civil rights leaders including Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. His renown is such that he is mostly just referred to by the single name "Gandhi". -
What did Gandhi do?
Once back in India, Gandhi led the fight for Indian independence from the British Empire. He organized several non-violent civil disobedience campaigns. During these campaigns, large groups of the Indian population would do things like refusing to work, sitting in the streets, boycotting the courts, and more. Each of these protests may seem small by themselves, but when most of the population does them at once, they can have an enormous impact. -
Why was Gandhi imprisoned?
Gandhi became an activist and defender of his countrymen. For this reason, he never stopped protesting in the streets, the ardor and support of the people crossed the peaceful limits and turned into violence. In this situation the English authorities arrested Gandhi was taken to Bombay. On March 18, 1922, the court sentenced him to 6 years in prison, promising to release him if protests ceased. Only two years later, convalescing with appendicitis, he was released.