Gandhi"s Birth
Mohandas Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandor, Gujarat, in North West India. He grew up with a jain pacifist teaching of mutual tolerance, non-injury to living things and vegetarianism. Gandi also has two brothers and a sister. This is important because Gandhi becomes a very important person in the world. Source: (Jorgen 1). -
Gandhi"s Early life
Gandhi leaves India for England to study law. After college he came back to India and accepted a job at an Indian firm in Natal, South Africa. Gandhi spends 21 years in South Africa where he complains about the racial segregation. This is important because he learns the laws of the world and how unfair India was being treated. Source: (Mahatma Gandhi Biography 1). -
In the USA Kodak is the 1st company to begin commercial production of film on a flexible transparent tape. " The availability of this flexible film made possible the development of Thomas Edison's motion picture camera in 1891. From this time we are able to film important events.
Source : (Kodak Editors 1) -
Boer War
Gandi organizes ambulannce corps for the British. He also helps out in them three times as a sergent. These took place in South Africa and London. He got medals by serving in these. This is important because he helped the people of India when they got hurt.
Source: (NING 1). -
Racial Discrimination
Gandhi was asked to take a trip to Pretoria on a train. He bought a first-class ticket and wanted to sit there. A white man orderd the white train officials to remove Gandhi from that area to the back compartment. Gandi did not want to go because he bought this ticket. They tossed him and his luggage off the train and he had to sleep on the platform, in the winter, in the cold. This is important because Gandhi started to think of ideas to bring India to independence.
Source: (Clement page 38). -
Mass Civil Disobediance Campaign
In South Africa Gandhi made his first protest against the people who are depriving Indians the right to vote. He formed the Natal Indian Congress. After this he "drew international attention" to the Indians and how they were being treated by the British Empire. This is important because this started the protests and it was the first step to independence for India. Source: (jorgen 1). -
Gandhi gets imprisoned many times from his protests. He gets arrested in a total of 12 times. He was arrested in India, and South Africa. Gandhi got arrested by serving and standing up for indians and India. This is important because this is what got the people of India to fight for their freedom.
Source: (Mandal 1). -
In 1911 Amundsen and his team were the first to fly over the North Pole. It was the first polar exploration by air. This helped to see the geography of the land here.
Source: (Czech 1) -
The sinking of the Titanic ship sailed from England to New York City. It was the most deadliest ocean disaster in history. The disaster caused outrage over the lack of life boats, the unequal treating of the passengers on the ship. It led to the " International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea".
Source: (History Channel 1) -
Satyagraha Campaign
Gandhi created this campaign for peaceful protests and strikes. The British fought back making the Indians form boycotts, and stopping the purchase of british goods. This also started to make India become less reliant on British goods. This is important because this also led to India's independence from the British Empire.
Source: (the editors of encyclopaedia britannica 1)(Kytle page 13,19,22). -
The Great Gatsby
"The Great Gatsby" is a book written in 1925. The book was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The book was showing the Jazz age in America in literature.
Source: ( PBS 1). -
A Novel
An American writer, Earnest Hemingway wrote a novel called " A Farewell To Arms". It is a novel about an American serving as a lieutenant in the ambulance corps in the Italian army. This was written in the United States. This was important because it was semi-autobiographical. He was also a Nobel prize winning American author.
Source: ( Shmoop 1) -
The Salt March
The Salt March led by gandhi took place in India near Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea. This was a protest to the Salt Act which prohibited Indians from selling or collecting salt. This is a main crop in their diet. Gandhi led a march to the Arabian Sea where they would collect salt from the sea water. This resulted in 60,000 indians getting arrested for breaking the law. This is important because this showed the world the lengths the Indians are going to.
Source: (Mahatma Gandhi Biography 1). -
Fasting and a New Name
Gandhi used fasting as a weapon. In all his cases were he fasted, it worked. He was given the name Mahatama Gandhi. This name means 'Great Soul'. Gandhi wears a loin- cloth as his clothing to show the world and everyone how poor India was. This is important because this is what brought independence to India.
Source: (Mandal 1)(Gandhi page 7,21-22). -
The movie Casablanca was a movie filmed in Africa. This movie is a political film and a love story. This movie is also " anti-nazi propaganda".
Source:( Dirks 1) -
The Death Of Gandhi
Gandhi was killed on January 30th 1948. Gandhi was on his way to his morning prayer service when he was assassinated by Nathuam Godse. He shot Gandhi 3 times with a pisol which killed Gandhi 25 minutes later. Gandhi was 78 before he died and left an imprint on the world. This is important because this is the last imprint Gandhi left on the world and its people.
Source: (Mahatma Gandhi Biography 1)