632 BCE
Death of Mohammed
Mohammed's death affected many of the followers of Islam. They concluded that they will practice the religion of Islam and they fallow end the five pillar of Islam. He accomplished many tasks in his lifetime but his death was also the birth of Islam and is very important to all Muslims. (Oliver 95) (duckworth 9). -
625 BCE
Mohammed begins reading the quaran
The quaran or koran is the holy book for Muslims. He began to dictate it and adressed to the people that they have to read it. This is very significant because still this day Muslims read from the quaran and it is there holy book and center of there religion. (Quarnucstudies.com). -
624 BCE
The caravan raid against pegan Meccans
Mohammed for the seventh time orders his carvans to attack. They attack on pegan Meccans so they can fight for there land because it was there Gods orders. This is significant because these raids are what gained Mohammed with what his God ordered him to do. (Web.cn.edu) (Oliver 96). -
623 BCE
Change of direction in prayer
The Muslims used to pray facing Jerusalem but at this point they switched it to be facing Mecca. This is very important because from thus point till now Muslims pray facing Mecca, which they consider to be there holy place. This Change was significant to the religion of Islam. (History world.net) -
622 BCE
Mohammed captures Mecca
Mohammed lead his army to go capture mecca. this is an important event because due to the capture of Mecca it is now a holy place for Muslims. Mohammed's purpose fir the attack on mecca was to have that place of worship for Muslims to go and practice Islam. (Oliver 95) -
620 BCE
Vikings invade Ireland
This event is significant because it creates a background for Ireland. The vikings invade Ireland for the land but this attack created Ireland and what it is today. This event also creates many cities in Ireland that are still known today. (wed.nc.edo) -
619 BCE
Mohammed night visit to Jerusalem
This is significant because in a single night Mohammed travels to Jerusalem. He leads other people with him on this journey. When they reach Jerusalem he leads them in prayer and this is an important event because he brings any people to a "mosque" (holy place of worship for Muslims) to pray. (Oliver 9) -
613 BCE
Mohammed first time publicizing Islam
At this point in Mohammed's life he started to influence his people that this was the right religion. He told the public what his vision was. He started to point out t aspects of being a Muslim and he changed history forever. (historyworld.net) (duckworth 19) -
610 BCE
Mohammed's first vision
This event truly changed history. During the night Mohammed was visited by an angle named Gabriel. He told Mohammed constantly to "read". When Mohammed told the angel he could not read, the angel persisted for him to read. Eventually Mohammed started reading and this boosted his perspective on Islam and changed history forever. (quarnicstudies.com) -
The Birth Of Mohammed
The Birth of Mohammed was a significant event in worlds history. His birth impacted today history in various ways. Furthermore, with out Mohammed's birth the highly fallowed religion known as Islam would of never been established. (Oliver 8). -
invension of iron-chained suspension bridge in China
During this time china has invented an iron chained bridge. This is significant to history because they are slowly trying to develop more advanced forms of structures. China had created a bridge that impacted there bridges that they would build in the future. The bridge they invented was sturdy and suitable for going across tall heights. so there creation of the suspension bridge impacted there near future bridges they would build. (web.cn.edu) -
Anglo-Saxon tribes create foundation of Mercian kingdom in England.
Mercia dominated England for over 300 years at the time. This is significant to worlds history because this kingdom at one point had a period of freedom which was not common. Most kingdoms were ruled under a Monarchy. Due to the domination it gave them Independence which certain people favored and others did not.With out this event England basis and the Anglo-Saxon tribe would have a much different basis. (wed.cn.edu) -
Conversion of Visigoths in Spain to Christianity
This event greatly impacted the culture of Spain today. At the time people of Spain were Visigoths. Later they converted into Christianity, which is the basis of the Spanish culture. Majority of Spain is christian due to this conversion. (web.cn.edu) -
Gregory I becomes pope
Gregory I was pope from 590-604. He was the founder of medieval papacy in Rome. The cause of Gregory I becoming pope lead Rome into there medieval stages because he influenced it upon his people. This is significant because it would of clanged Romes culture, religion and its history due to his actions. (web.cn.edu) (britannica.com) -
Suiko becomes Empress of Japan
Sukio was the thirty-third ruling monarch of japan. She was the first of eight female rulers in Japan. This is significant because there is a difference of women and men power but for a female ruler to reign at such an early period dramatically makes an impact on history for Japan. (wed.cn.edu) (britannaca.com) -
Mohammed gets married to his wife
Mohammed's and his wife khadijiah got married. This event contributes to one of many drastic events in his life. She was his first wife and in addition was the first follower of Islam. This is significant because she was the first to listen and believe Mohammed's point of view on Islam. she gained the title "mother of the believers" which changed history because she impacted he religion of Islam. (web.cn.edu) (Duckworth 17)