Mohamed Ibrahim timeline

By Daqdolo
  • Trust vs Mistrust

    The first stage of Erikson's stages of development would be development from birth to one of year age. This time is very difficult for infants because they depend on the caregiver for food, bathing, and security. Not having a sense of security could really impact a baby's future. I was lucky enough to be raised with security and when I was younger I had no trouble with my uncles and aunts holding me.
  • Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    This time is when the child's only focus is independence and a form of self reliance. Care givers are meant to support them when they reach this stage but if not done could impact their decision making in the future. My parents allowed me indepedence at that age but only at a certain limit. My parents are more strictly cultural and kids are meant to be taught manners so I was raised with independence but just enough for me to turn out a well behaved man.
  • Intitiative vs Guilt

    The third stage is where kids from the age 3 to 6 years of age start going to preschool and start playing and socially with friends. I know parents are supposed to be protective but if they are too overprotective, it can really effect the kid's future in being socially awkward or having anxiety. Luckily my parents were protective but also open. I have a ton of cousins and my mom used to take us all to the park to play every weekend.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    During the stage of life when you are between the ages of 6 to 12, you begin attending real school and acquire new skills while mastering academics, sports, and other activities. It is important to put in effort and do your best in academics so that you can feel confident among your peers. When I was in primary school in South Africa, I was an honor roll student because my parents tutored me at home. Their help with assignments made me work harder and achieve better results.
  • Identity vs Role Confusion

    This fourth stage is when kids between the ages of about 12 and 20 start to find themselves and what their purpose is. Kids who are hard workers will identify as hard workers. Some will have an identity crisis but later find themselves. I really never thought about any of this before. I was always a kid who loved learning and playing soccer. I did once make my whole identity a soccer player and wanted to be a star one day but since then I really don't even know.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    This stage is during adulthood when intimacy starts to kick in. Most of the time kids who have a happy home with happily married parents turn out to have amazing relationships compared to kids who come from unstable homes with unstable parents. Luckily have happy married parents and see them work problems and issues out but just talking and helping each other has really made me really benefit from when I started dating.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Stage seven is about a desire to feel valued when you reach this certain age. Not completing this stage will have a person self-obsession which they will attempt to feel valued. In the future, I see myself being vulnerable with my family and my amazing wife and being valued by them. I also want a job where I love doing it regardless of how much I'm getting paid.
  • Ego Integrity vs Despair

    The last stage of Erikson's stage is when the person starts reacting to how they lived their life. Those who worked hard and loved what they did were happy. Those who could have done more or wasted their time wish they returned to the past. In my future self, I see myself being happy with what I've done with my life, Having a big family was always my plan so even if don't accomplish my goals I will always have my kids as my motivation for how I raised all these kids.