Period: to
Glorious Revolution
Overthrown King James II -> William III -
Great Britain and The Bill of Rights
- Main purpose: restore and strengthen the parliament.
- The bill outlined specific constitutional and civil rights and ultimately gave Parliament power over the monarchy.
- Legacy: *Preamble of the United States Declaration of Independence *Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen *Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Period: to
Bourbon Reforms
Imperial reconquest -
Period: to
The Seventeen Years War
- Mercantilism – Encouraging local production (tariffs , monopolies)
- Balance of trade within the same government.
- COLONIES (LAND- TERRITORY) : *Produce raw materials *Buy finished goods
- France (Native Allies) vs GB fighting for colonial supremacy
- Great awakening
Proclamation Line
Attempts to limit western expansion. -
The Sugar Act
Reduce smuggling (sugar and rum) -
The Stamp Act
New imposed tax: imposed a tax on all paper documents in the colonies -
Period: to
The Stamp Act Congress
Coordinated boycott of British goods
- Civil disobedience
- The Sons of Liberty (merchants) (Samuel Adams and John Hancock) -
The Townshed Acts
Increasing taxes on paint, paper, glass, lead and tea. -
Boston Massacre
Street brawl that ended with 5 persons killed and 6 wounded. -
The Boston Tea Party
Coordinated Boycott – NON IMPORTATION
The Daughters of Liberty:
* Textile shortage -> spinning bees
* Hold the boycott – women’s role on purchasing consumer goods (tea) -
Tea Act
- Removed other taxes except tea tax
- Colonists consumed 1.2 million pounds of tea/year
- Smuggling tea from the Dutch – Liberty Tea (Daughters of Liberty)
The Intolerable Acts
- The Quebec Act
- Boston Port Act
- Massachusets Government Act
- Administration and Justice Act
- Quartering Act
First Continental Congress
- 12/13 Colonies (except Georgia) gathering at Philadelphia.
- Coordinated resistance to Intolerable Acts
- Promoted equality of participants (delegates) and free debate.
- Articles of association – Continue without import British goods.
- Loyalty to the King of GB but disagreement with the Parliament.
Common Sense
- Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine
- Main Ideas : *Government served the people *Against Monarchy *America “home of the free” *Opportunity to crear a new nation based on self-rule
The declaration of Independence USA
Thomas Jefferson is the main author -
Articles of the Confederation USA
- Central government
- Weak and ineffective
The Treaty of Paris
- France granted diplomatic recognition to the US
- France supported the colonies and Washington’s army
- Recognized the Independence of American Colonies
- Granted the Americans control of the western territory from the Appalachians to the Mississippi River.
Period: to
American Constitution
- Federal system: national and state governments share power
- Power división: executive, legislative, and judicial (Montesquieu)
- Presidential democracy
The American Bill of Rights
- Guaranteed freedom of religión, speech, press, petition, and assembly.
- Rights derived from the natural-rights (Locke)
Louis XVI convened the Estates-General, which had not met since 1614 -
National Assembly
The Third Estate declared that it was the National Assembly and would draft a constitution. -
The Tennis Court Oath
Voting system on the Estates-General. The Third Estate demanded 1 vote per deputy and not per estate (more equal and fair). -
The Storming of the Bastille
The Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
Inspired by the English Bill of Rights of 1689 and the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution. -
Legislative Assembly
- Political groups were well defined.
- Pillnitz Declaration -
National Convention
New elections held: republicans won.
Law of Maximums. -
New Constitution
Created a Security Public Committee. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
Period: to
First Conspiracies of the Mexican Independence
Period: to
The Beginning of Miguel Hidalgo - Mexican Independence
Period: to
Military Organization of the Mexican Independence
Grito de Dolores
Take over of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas
Insurgent captured and executed
Chilapancingo Congress
"Los Sentimientos de la Nación"
Apatzingán Constitution
Period: to
Dispersion of the Mexican Independence
Guerra de Guerrillas -
Arrival of Francisco Javier Mina
Period: to
Consummation of the Mexican Independence
Plan de Iguala
Abrazo de Acatempan
Cordoba Treaties
Plan de Casa Mata
Antonio López de Santa Ana -
Dissolution of the Congress dominated by republicans
Mexico 1822
Plan de Casa Mata
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana -
Period: to
Mexican Empire : Iturbide I
Acto de la Unión
Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua y Costa Rica -
Monroe Doctrine
Three main points:
–No future European colonization in the New World. (Response to the Congress of Vienna, 1815)
–USA will be absent of the European political issues
–No European intervention in the governments of the American hemisphere. -
Period: to
Triunvirato Government
- Risk of territorial fragmentation
- Federalism
- Fray Servando Teresa de Mier
The Federal Republic Constitution
Period: to
Guadalupe Victoria (Liberal)
- Desorganized economy, states not paying taxes
- Church, nobility monopoly
- Recognition from USA and Great Britain
- Re conquest attempt from Spain
Period: to
Anastacio Bustamante (Cons)
- Alamán Regime
- Re organization of mexican economy: Bank, textiles industry, inmigration policy against USA expansionism (north), internal colonization.
- Liberals against Bustamante - Manuel Gómez Pedraza (St. Ana)
Period: to
Santa Ana y Valentín Farías (Vice)
Reforms of 1833
Santa Anna –
Centralist Republic
(Suppression of the
Constitution 1835-
1836 -
Period: to
Guerra de Texas
• Spanish abandonment (New
• American colonization during the
New Spain and American
• Cultural differences from MX:
Language, religion, slavery.
• Abolition of slavery in Mexico,
• Federalism suppression
• 1835 – Texas declares it’s
independence -
Period: to
Rebellions in Mexico
• Celaya, Tampico, Monterrey
• Yucatán -
Tratados de Velasco
Period: to
Guerra de los Pasteles
Peace Treaty commerce
Constitution 1843
Period: to
US-Mexican War
Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo
Recognition of the Río Bravo as the northern/southern border USA-Mexico -
Period: to
Venta de la Mesilla (Tucson)
Period: to
Plan de Ayutla and Santa Ana's Fall
Ley Juárez
• Justice
• All are equal
before the law
• Eliminate
privileges -
Ley Lerdo
• Economical
• Church
properties to
sell. -
Ley Iglesias
• Church Tax
• Non compulsory
thite -
Félix Zuloaga recognized as president
Period: to
Guerra de Reforma
-Plan de Tacubaya
-Maintained Comonfort (moderate liberal) -
Period: to
Guerra de Reforma
-Plan de Tacubaya
- Abolish 1857 Constitution
- Félix Zuloaga, Palacio Arzobispal de Tacubaya (Mexico City)
- Maintained Comonfort (moderate liberal) as president and powers to abolish the constitution and call a new Constituent Assembly. -
Period: to
Leyes de Reforma
Busca la separación definitiva del Estado -
Period: to
Leyes de Reforma
- Ley de Nacionalización de los Bienes Eclesiásticos
- Ley del Matrimonio Civil
- Ley Orgánica del Registro Civil
- Ley de Exclaustración de Monjas y Frailes
- Ley Sobre la Libertad de Cultos
Period: to
American Civil War