A Federal Law is born
The First Federal Law concerning the care of people with disabilities was signed by the 5th congress. This law was titled "The Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen." It authorized a deduction of the monthly wages of seamen in order to fund medical care for seamen who were either sick or disabled. This was essentially the first American Law with the purpose of protecting those with disabilities. -
1st Public Special Education Class
In Rhode Island (1896) the very first public special education class in the United States was opened. This was the result of teachers becoming especially aware of the number of students with disabilities in the classroom. These classes were taught by special teachers. This Rhode Island special education class was the mark of the beginning of special education in the U.S. -
"Social Control of the Mentally Deficient"
A well-known textbook called the Social Control of the Mentally Deficient stated that control and confinement of people with disabilities was necessary to protect society. This was published during a time where people feared the disabled, and institutionalized them rather than help them. This ideology treated people who had disabilities as outcasts of society, dangerous to the public, and not worthy of education. -
During the 1950s the concept of normalization (mainstreaming) began to bud in Denmark. This now marked a shift in ideology regarding people with disabilities. This turn towards normalization helped to incite positive change for people with disabilities. It marked the beginning of an era that shifted perceptions of people with disabilities and encouraged a new mindset. -
The Era of Self Advocacy
During the 1960s self advocacy for people with disabilities swept the nation. The families of people with disabilities as well as the people with disabilities fought for their voices to be heard. This era birthed many activists groups and organizations, as well as protests and marches. People began to demand their place in society, rights to education, equal employment opportunities, and more. -
Presidents Panel on Mental Retardation
This panel was approved by President JFK and was comprised of doctors, scientists, educators, lawyers, psychologists and social scientists. This panel sought solutions for many of the problems faced by people with disabilities. It encouraged the creation of new legislation, funding, information and more for people with disabilities. The panel placed an emphasis on the prevention and treatment of disabilities, as well as advocacy for those in need. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhGhRA_7yCA -
"My Sister Rosemary"
My Sister Rosemary is an article that was published by Rosemary Kennedy's sister Eunice Kennedy. In this article she speaks about the nature of her sisters disability, the way it was dealt with, and the result--her lobotomy. In the article Eunice Kennedy speaks about certain statistics showing how special education can make a difference in the quality of life of people with disabilities. She states that many of these people can become active members of society with proper education and training. -
Special Olympics
In Soldier Field, Chicago, Illinois the first Special Olympics took place. It was hosted by Eunice Kennedy. This event marked the start of what is now one of the most popular American events. Since then, the numbers of athletes who compete in the Special Olympics have grown exponentially. This was the first major event in which people with disabilities were celebrated nationally. -
The Rehabilitation Act
The purpose of the Rehabilitation Act was to prohibit discrimination based on disability in programs that are conducted by federal agencies, programs that receive financial assistance from the federal government, and in federal employment. This act was revisited and reauthorized several times. Today it is known as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. -
The Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA)
This EHA budded as a result of several landmark court cases. This law was enacted with the purpose of requiring all public schools accept federal funds to in order to provide students with disabilities the opportunity for an equal access to education. More information can be found: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html