Special education

Module #1: History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timeline

  • Braille Code

    Braille Code
    Louis Braille obtained visual impairment and blindness at an early age and as a result, created Braille to communicate with others. Created over 200 years ago Braile gives blind people the opportunity to read write and establish a form of expression. Creating a less restricting learning environment, Braile, created a sense of inclusion among the seeing and the nonseeing.
  • Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind (FSDB)

    Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind (FSDB)
    The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind (FSDB) was the first school in Florida to cater to auditory and visually impaired students. FSDB was initially called the Florida Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb. As time progressed the negative connotation of dumb was removed. With the right education, and motivation by like-minded peers of similar health backgrounds the FSDB was and continues to envoke hope and unity.
  • The Council of Exceptional Children (CEC)

    The Council of Exceptional Children (CEC)
    The Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) is the first advocacy group for children with disabilities. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) provides teacher education,educational programming, policy making and so much more.The Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) provides educators with aids and or tools to better provide the special education services community.
  • National Association for Retarded Children

    National Association for Retarded Children
    The National Association for Retarded Children was founded in 1950 with only 42 American citizen, some of which who were parents of disabled children. From 13 state The National Association for Retarded Children became a important that lead society to improve services for the mental impaired American citizens. Unfortunately, during this time period, individuals with intellectual disability were thought to bea threats to society.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown versus board of education overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson decision in 1954. This ruling provided states in America to provide equal education for black and white students. As a result of this law equal oppurtunity was provided to all American students regarless of, mental or physical functionability, color, sex or economical status. This court decision paved the way for more the inclusion of students with disabilities in less restrictive learning environments.
  • Kennedy Speaks Education Reform

    Kennedy Speaks Education Reform
    John F. Kennedy addressed Congress in 1962 to address the needs of young disabled children. President Kennedy saw a need for education reform. President Kennedy had a sister named Rosemary with an intellectual disability.
  • The Elementary & Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary & Secondary Education Act
    The Elementary & Secondary Education Act was established to aid students with a better quality education despite their disabilities. The Elementary & Secondary Education Act caters to low inncome students, in public and private schools. President Lyndon B. Johnson tried to make the socioeconomic gap between education smaller
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education act) was developed in 1990 to provide students with disabilities affordable education that is structured to their individual needs. Annual state or district testing and or documented alternate assessments are provided for students with disabilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66g6TbJbs2g
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act was established by President George W. Bush as a part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The No Child Left Behind Act was a revision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The No Child Left Behind Act created higher standards of basic assessments and skills ensuring students current and relevant education. The No Child Left Behind Act has an accountability system as its main reform device.
  • American with Disabilities Act Amendments

    American with Disabilities Act Amendments
    The American with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADA) provides technical assistance,compliance, information, and training, for the education of of disabled students.The ADA Amendments also prohibits anyone from discriminating against students with disabilities. The ADA amended in 2008 requiring anyone requesting accommodations to have acceptable, documented proof of the actual disability.