
  • Period: to


  • United States enters World War I

  • The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock (Poetry) By: T.S. Eliot

  • The Road Not Taken (Poetry) BY Robert Frost

  • Worldwide Influenza Epidemic Strikes

  • World War I Ends

  • 19th Amendment was Ratified

  • Beginning of The Harlem Reaissance

  • The Negro Speaks of Rivers (poetry) Langston Hughes

  • Hitler Becomes Leader of Nazi Party

  • The Fugitive (Magazine) Started The New Crticism Movement

  • Babbit (Fiction) By Sinclair Lewis

  • The Great Gatsby (Fiction) By F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • The Sun Also Rises (Fiction) By Ernest Hemingway

  • Strange Interlude (Drama) By Eugene O'Neil

  • The Great Depression Begins

  • Amelia Earhart Flies across the Atlantic Ocean

  • Establishment of Franklin D Roosevelt's New Deal

  • The Social Security Act

  • Debut of Waiting for Lefty (Drama) By Clifford Odets

  • Germany Began World War II

  • Nuremberg Laws

  • Germany Invades Western Europe

  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

  • Japanese American Internment Camps

  • Last Major Deportation of German Jews

  • War Refugee Board

  • D-Day

  • Hitler Commits Suicide

  • World War II ends, US joins United Nations