Italien Wars
King Charles VII of France invaded Italy. This began a series of wars between France and Spain for control over the Italian Peninsula. -
Oct 31, 1502
Martin Luther writes 95 Theses
Luther decided to take a public stand to protest the actions of the Catholic Church by posting these 95 statements on the door of the castle church. -
May 25, 1521
Edict of Worms
The Edict of Worms declared Luther as an outlaw and a heretic. Nobody was to give Luther food or shelter. -
Peasant's War
Peasants became more disgruntled with high taxes and lack of power which started a rebellion. Nobles suppressed the uprising. -
Nov 3, 1534
Act of Supremacy in England
Two acts passed by the Parliament of England in the 1500s that established the English monarchs as the head of the Church of England. -
Anabaptists settle in Munster
Some Anabaptists fled to Munster to get away from being persecuted. Catholics and Protestants surrounded and later captured the city but the Anabaptists survived. -
Jul 6, 1535
Thomas More exectuted
Thomas More was executed because he was convicted of treason. -
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
This book expressed ideas about God, salvation, and human nature. He claimed that men and women are sinful by nature. -
Jesuit Order Founded
They founded schools throughout Europe. They were well trained in both classical studies and theology. Converted non-christians to Catholicism. Tried to stop the spread of Protestantism. -
Swiss Civil War
Religious reforms in Switzerland was begun by Huldrych Zwingli. Calvin led the reformation and led the city of Geneva in Switzerland. -
Start of Roman Inquisition
Roman Catholic Church was no longer the only religious authority in Europe. The main purpose of the inquisition was to convert Jews, Muslims, and later Protestants. -
Council of Trent
Pope Paul III called a council of catholic bishops and cardinals to meet in Trent. They decided on several doctrines. -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
An agreement ending the conflict between Roman Catholics and Lutherans in Germany. -
Reign of Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I helped create the Church of England. The church was a comprised of Roman Catholic and Protestant beliefs. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
Protestant nobles led by John Knox made Calvinism Scotland's official religion. They deposed the Catholic ruler, Mary Queen of Scots in favor of her infant son. -
Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Catholic Mobs hunting for Protestants and murdering them. It is believed that around 12,000 Huguenots (followers of Calvin) were killed. -
Edict of Nantes
Granted religious freedom to Protestants.