Italian Wars
Series of wars fought for control of Italy. This helped expose the rest of Europe to the Italian Renaissance and new ideas were spread -
Martin Luther Writes 95 Theses
Luther wrote the 95 theses to criticize the selling of indulgences, this helped him with his religious reform and founding the Christian Church. -
Edict of Worms
Because of Luther went against the teachings of the church, he was punished with no food, shelter, and his books were burned. -
Peasant's War
Peasants were mad about taxes and lack of power so they rebelled and stormed castles and monasteries -
Swiss Civil War
War between Swiss Protestants and Catholics where Zwingli, Catholic priest in Zurich died. This is when John Calvin came into power. -
Act of Supremacy in England
States that Henry the 8th is the head of the church in England, met opposition from Thomas More -
Anabaptists settle in Münster
Because of Anabaptists and their beliefs, Catholics and Protestants persecuted them so they fled to Münster to be safer. -
Thomas More excecuted
Due to his beliefs he said he couldn't follow the Act of Supremacy, King charles ordered him to be excecuted -
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
While trying to introduce his religion, Calvinism, he wrote a book to state ideas about God, salvation, and human nature -
Jesuit order founded
Ignatius gathered followers who converted non-christians to Catholicism and stopped the spread of Protestantism. -
Start of Roman Inquisition
Made by Catholic church to fight protestantism and used harsh methods such as torture to punish heresy. -
Council of Trent
Church leaders came together and discussed that
1. the church interpretation of the bible was final
2. faith and good works = salvation
3. bible and church are equally powerful to guide Christian life
4. indulgences are a valid expression of faith, but are banned -
Peace of Augsburg
This religious decision stated that the princes agreed each ruler would decide the own religion of their state. -
Reign of Elizabeth I
She ruled the Anglican Church to accept Catholics and Protestants in different ways. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
Calvinism became Scotland due to John Knox, a Scottish preacher. His followers were known as presbyterians and help spread the religion. -
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Hatred between Catholics and Huguenots let to mobs of hunting Protestants on the Catholic feast of St. Bartholomew's Day. -
Edict of Nantes
Henry IV's promise that Protestants could live in peace and this caused the fighting to end.