• 1494

    Italian wars

    Italian wars
    king charlies VIII of France invaded Italy which began a series of wars. ended in 1559. Significant impact: exposed the ideas of Italian renaissance. France and Spain fighting for control of Italian peninsula
  • 1517

    Martin Luther's Writes 95 Theses

    Martin Luther's Writes 95 Theses
    writes theses attacking the topic of indulgences
  • 1524

    peasants war

    peasants war
    peasants dealed with with high taxes and lack of power so thousands stormed castles and monasteries... Luther didn't side with pesants
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy in England

    Act of Supremacy in England
    set of laws that ended the popes power in England and led Henry VIII to be head of the church
  • 1536

    John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion

    John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
    Ideas about god, salvation, and human nature. Summary of the protestant theology and religious beliefs.
  • 1540

    jesuit order founded

    jesuit order founded
    religious order created for Ignatius of Loyolas followers called the society of Jesus... followers called jesuits
    focused on 3 activities-
    1. founded schools in europe
    2.convert non-christians
    3.stop spreading protestantism
  • 1542

    start of roman inquisition

    start of roman inquisition
    used harsh methods to force confessions and punish denial of church teachings. accounts of tourture and executions by the courts damaged the churches image under catholicism
  • 1545

    council of trent

    council of trent
    where catholic doctrines were agreed
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    settlement agreeing that each ruler would decide the religion of their state
  • 1558

    Reign of Elizabeth

    Reign of Elizabeth
    Church of England brought religious peace to England by bringing catholics and protestants together
  • 1560

    Scotland becomes calvinist

    Scotland becomes calvinist
    John Clavin brought his ideas to Scotland by having each church a group of elders or presbyters. followers became known as presbyterians
  • 1572

    st Bartholomew's day massacre

    st Bartholomew's day massacre
    catholic mobs hunted peasants and killed them in France
  • edict of nantes

    edict of nantes
    Henry of Navarre created edict of Nantes that gave religious freedom to protestants in France