Italian Wars
King Charles VII of France invaded Italy. This event began a series of wars between France and Spain for control over the Italian Peninsula. -
Martin Luther Writes 95 Theses
Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses, attacking the "pardon-merchants" because he did not believe in indulgences. -
Edict of Worms
It is an imperial order that declared Lutheran outlaw. -
Peasants War
Peasants became more distinguished with high taxes and lack of power, which started a rebellion. Nobles suppressed the uprising. -
Swiss Civil War
A war that broke out between Swiss Protestants and Catholics. -
Anabaptists settle in Münster
Som Anabaptists fled and settled in Münster because Catholics and Protestants were persecuting them. -
Act of Supremacy in England
This called on people to take an oath recognizing the divorce and accepting Henry, not the pope, as the official head of England's Church. -
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
This book was made to express ideas about God, salvation, and human nature. It was a summary of Protestant theology, or religious beliefs. -
Start of Roman Inquisition
Roman Catholic Church was no longer the only religious authority in Europe. The main purpose of inquisition was to convert Jews, Muslims, and later Protestants. -
Council of Trent
Pope Paul III called a council of catholic bishops and cardinals to meet in Trent. They decided on several doctrines. -
Thomas More executed
He was executed because he refused to take the oath. -
Jesuit order founded
A group of Catholics ruined by the Pope. Paul III was the one who approved the Jesuit Order. -
Peace of Augsburg
It was a treaty between Charles V and the Roman Emperor. -
Reign of Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I was determined to return her kingdom to Protestantism. Eventually, the Church of England, or Anglican Church, was set up with Elizabeth as its head. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
The Protestant nobles led by Knox made Calvinism Scotland's official religion. -
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Catholic Mobs were hunting for Protestants and were murdering them. It is believed that around 12,000 Huguenots were killed. -
Edict of Nantes
Henry granted religion freedom to Protestant. By granting official tolerance to Protestantism, it ended the French Wars of Religion.