Italian wars
This wars started because Charles VII invaded Italy, the power of Italy switched back and forth between Spain and France the most important impacts was the new ideas that came from the Italian Renascence. -
Martin Luther writes 95 Theses
His 95 Theses included his teachings about salvation from faith, teachings would only be based on the words of the bible, and all people with faith were equal. -
Edict of Worms
The emperor Charles V announced that Martin Luther was an outlaw, because of this the people of the empire was to not give Luther shelter food or water because his teachings went against catholic church. -
Peasant's Wars
The Peasants were being taxed very high, this led to the peasants flooding the castle this was known as the Peasants War. -
Swiss Civil War
War between the Catholics and Protestants broke out after Zwingli's reforms were adapted inZurich, Zwingli died and that s how John Calvin came to power. -
Act of Supremacy
This states that Henry the eighth was the head of England. -
Anabaptists settle in Munster
After the Anabaptists began to get persecuted by the Catholics and Protestants they fled and landed in Münster. -
Thomas Moore executed
Because Thomas Moore believed in protestant ideas he was executed by Charles V. -
John Calvin's institutes of the Christian religion
This was a book created by John Calvin this was a way to express his new religion of Calvinism, it expressed ideas about god, salvation, and human nature. -
Jesuit order founded
After Ignatius was hurt in war and had time to think about god he wrote a book, this Jesuits were founded they were followers of Ignatius and they focused on converting non Christians, to stop the spread of Protestants and, to find schools. -
Start of Roman inquistion
This was when the Catholic Church imposed harsh methods to add uniformity to converted Jews and Muslims and later Protestant. -
Council of Trent
Bishops and Cardinals agreed on a few things including that the church interpretation was finale, Christians needed faith for salvation, that the bible and church traditions equally powerful, and indulges are valid but selling was not allowed. -
Peace of Augsburg
Charles V tired of fighting called all German princes catholic and Protestant, there they all agreed that the ruler of each state would be allowed to decide the religion practiced in their state. -
Reign of Elizabeth
Anglican became the official and only legal church of England, in this church She wanted and tried to please both Catholics and Protestants. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
John Knox visits Calvins Geneva, he returned to Scotland and put these ideas to work. Later Calvinism became Scotlands official religion. -
St. Bartholomew's day Massacre
This event happened in Paris when Catholic mobs began to persecute the protestants this spread to other cities and lasted 6 months. -
Edict of Nantes
When the leader Henry of Navarre became catholic this led to political stability by him encouraging them to accept him, the Edicts was granted to give religious freedom to protestants.