Jan 1, 1400
The earth was flat?
Many people think that the earth was flat. -
Jan 1, 1469
Isabel I and Fernando II ....
The catholic kings, united the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon -
Jan 1, 1492
America was discovered
Christopher Colombus discovered America.
Beging of the modern age -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Colombus....
Colombus leave from Palos -
Oct 14, 1492
The expedition....
The 3 boats reached land -
Jan 31, 1499
Canary Islands
The Canary Islands became part of Spain and the conquest of Granada happened -
Jan 1, 1500
Strong Spain
Spain became a powerful empire, the largest that had ever existed. -
Jan 1, 1516
Carlos I
Carlos I began to be the king of Spain. -
Jan 1, 1556
Felipe II
Felipe II became ruler of the largest empire of its time, he also inberited many problems. -
Jan 1, 1566
Netherlands independece
The netherlands rose up againt Spanish rule. They declared the independence. This began a costly war. -
Jan 1, 1571
Battle of Lepanto
Felipe II defeated the torks at the Battle of Lepanto. -
Jan 1, 1580
Portugal empire
The empire exanded more when the kingdom of Portugal came under Spainish rule. -
Although the armada was a powerful fleet of warships -
Death of Felipe II
After the death of Felipe II the Spanish empire weakened and began to break up. -
Carlos II died
Carlos II died without leaving a sucessor, there were a lot of candidates, for example: Philip of Anjou, France, Archduke charles, Germany.
This cause a war, the war of sucession. -
Great britain and Portugal
Great Britain and Portugal disrupted trades ruotes between Spain and the Americas. -
Battle of Almansa
This was a desicive battle in the triunph of Felipe V, in Spain. -
War os sucession ended
The war of succession ended. With signing of the Treaty of Utrecht. -
The Riot of Aranjuez
The Riot of Aranjuez forced Carlos IV to abdicate and his son became to be the king, Fernando VII