
Moby Dick

  • Jaws

    In Jaws, the sharks kill several making it a thrilling disaster movie. This is inspired by Moby Dick and it's terrifying idea of a sea creatures harming man.
  • Sharktopus

    Like Moby Dick, the hybrid sea creature of the movie is known as being a danger to man and killing many, creating the thrilling element of this disaster movie. Moby Dick is terrifying to man because of his past of eating a man's leg, and Sharktopus recurves the same reaction.
  • Bait

    Like Jaws and Moby Dick, the shark in this movie injure and kill multiple people. Moby Dick injured a man by biting him from the knee down, and the shark kills many by eating off their limbs while civilians are trapped in a grocery store after a tsunami.
  • Sharnado

    This disaster movie is inspired by Moby Dick and the element of a creature being a threat to man, and to oroginalize it, the sharks are in tornado form. The sharks and Moby Dick both left the same amount of fear, and both were attempted to be killed.
  • 47 Meters Down

    47 Meters Down
    Inspired Moby Dick, this movie tries to have an element of realism in an activity that is commonly done by tourists. The sharks in this kill one of the tourists, and leaving the same thrilling aspect of a sea creature being a danger to man.
  • The Meg

    The Meg
    This movie is very similar to Jaws and Moby Dick, where the shark attacks innocent boaters. The Meg is a sea creature know for it's vicious attack, just as Moby Dick was.