Period: to
Prep Visit
Preoaratory visit with all partners in Cyprus -
Period: to
Preparatory meeting in Cyprus
The Belgian, German, Spanish , Swiss and Latvian coordinators have met in Limssol, in the school of the Cypriotic coordinator. -
Application deadline
Our application was submitted beginning of february to all NA -
Approval Germany
this day we git the answer from the german NA that the project is approved. -
approval Cyprus
Approval Belgium
Belgium got an poitive answer. -
work on the TS
basic structure and preparation for the use of the TS after summer holidays -
Approval in Switzerland
The Swiss partner got the approval for MMM. -
Approval in Spain
Preparing the meeting
This is the day when the proraration of the meeting in Germany started. -
Motivating math tasks in the TS
The first motivating math tasks were uploaded to the TS. Students of each country work on tasks and decide if they are as motivating as thought.
go there -
Preparatory tasks for the meeting in Germany
Teachers and students in the TS
Today 60 persons, 12 teachers and 48 students are in the TS. -
Draft of the agenda for the meeting in Unna to all partners
first MMM chat
We will meet thursday evening from 8 to 9 pm in the TS to get to know each other. -
112 people in the TS
Now we have 99 students and 13 teachers in the TS. -
MMM chat
See you in the TS of MMM! -
Meeting of Students in Cyprus to prepare poster
Spanish team: agenda for teacher discussion ...
during the meeting in Unna has been sent to all partners -
The team from Latvia held a workshop ....
“Tasks that are interesting to solve” for all students who would like to join the project. -
German team has finsihed ...
preparation of the meeting -
Period: to
1rst Meeting in Unna (Germany)
we will have a 3days meeting in Unna. In international teams students will work on the topic "architecture". -
Set up international teams
We set up international teams. They will work on a special topic until end of april and publish their results of cooperation in the TS. -
Period: to
1rst period: international teams
They work on the following topics: architecture, nature, water, using GeoGebra, hazard, methodology in corss-curricular maths in English -
Workshop in Latvia
Agenda: 1. Presentation of problems solved in Unna. 2. Creating of the international teams. 3. Contest for the best logo design. -
Period: to
X-mas in the TS
We created a place for pre-chrsitmas trations in our countries and wishes for x-mas and the New Year 2014Go here to see pics, videos, wishes, ... -
deadline of the Logo competition
Each partner will send now two selectd proposals out of proposals to Cyprus who organise this competition. Then a jury chose the best one as MMM logo. -
Period: to
Bilateral meeting in Latvia
A school in Riga is one of our assoziated parters. 5 German students and the cooprdinator will visit the school as a bilateral meeting. We will work together on a mini-project within the topics of MMM. -
winning logo
The logo contest is finished. Now we have a logo for our MMM project. We choosed out of 13 logos sthat have been sent by all participants. -
Latvia: Comenius seminar
All Comenius students met to talk abou their work -
Comenius presentation (Germany)
All PGU Comenius students met to inform the others about the work in their own teams -
Germany: application for e-Twinning quality label
We have sent the document and applied for the German National e-Twinning quality label. We hope we'll get it. -
Happy PI-day at PGU in Germany
We celebrated the PI-day on one class as a competition. Groups of 2-4 made presentations. -
Celebration of PI-Day in Latvia
PI-Day presentation from LVStudents had a lot of common activties. There is in the TS -> national teams-> Latvia -
Most countries have uploaded results of the questionnaire concerning motivation. -
Period: to
Meeting in Belgium
change in structure of the twinspace
each country now has its own part in the TS to have more freedom on organizing and documentationg their work in national teams and teachers' work. -
Germany starts with the WIKI
Quality label for Latvia
A big Congratulation to Latvia, the first partner who has got the national e-twinning quality label.
Germany has applied but the decision will be taken later in July 2014. -
Evaluation of some international teams
The team "architecture" from DE and "nature" from LV have made an evaluation of work in their teams. The results can be found in TS-> work in international teams -
Period: to
Student's evaluation
There was an online evaluation drafted by DE in the TS. Students from germany and Spain answered. Unfortunately the students from the other countries were already in vacation. -
material from meeting in Belgium
All material from the meeting in Belgium is now uploaded to the TS. -
Period: to
common period of summer vacation
In this period all partners have summer vacation. -
intermediate report
This is the deadline. Each partner has to send this report to the NA. -
Half-term evaluation online by Germany
Germany uploaded an evaluation for students for the first year of MMM. unfortunately only Germany and Spain participated.
The other countries will participate AFTER their summer vacation. -
Germany has started to draft the WIKI, has added material from Germany (lesson plans, material, videos, evaluation of other material....). If the other countries have contributed to the WIKI it will be published. -
Germany starts into the 2nd year of MMM
Vacation of 6,5 weeks are finished. Work done before vacation is now rather completed and uploaded. New projects in German national mini-teams will start. -
Germany: new national teams
National teams work on new topics and are going to prepare presentations for the meeting in Spain. -
MMM Guestbook
A guestbook is now online to give visitors the opportunity to do annotations, comments, asks questions, ... -
First draft of the meeting in Spain
start with entries in EST-Database
WIKI logo
created by Chantal D. (Germany) -
Record: Twinblog- MMM diary
We have got 6 entries in a month in the Twinblog. Unfortunately we cannot publish more posts because we cannot go in since the the new TS version is relaunched. -
German Quality Label
Germany has got the German quality label from e-twinning for the TS. It is the third national quality label for MMM! -
prize ceremony in Latvia
The latvian coordinator was intvited for the e-twinning prize ceremony in Riga for the MMM project. -
4. National Quality Label
for Spain -
5.national Quality Label
for Cyprus -
fb group
The MMM fb group has got now 115 members and more than 100 postings (numerous comments not included) since founding the group in may 2014. -
prize ceremony in Belgium
MMM has won the first national prize in Belgium. The project is warded ny the Belgium E-twinning agency. -
European Quality Label
Five partners have got the European quality Label, too. -
at 8pm -
Period: to
X-Maths Contest
Contest for all MMM members, deadline was 22th december, winners announced 7th january -
Period: to
meeting in Spain
meeting at IES Schaman on Canary Island -
Period: to
X-Maths contest 2014
Period: to
Spain published documents of the meeting
The Spanish team worked hard to publish all documents and a lot of additional presentation of the meeting in Spain (24.-27.11.) on the TS.See here! -
Application for the eTwinning-prize 2015
The German partner of MMM applies for the eTwinning prize 2015. -
Belgium applied for the eTwinning prize
new international teams
6 new international teams have annouced their topics. Students now choose their favourite topic and work together. -
Period: to
6 international teams
... who work on topics from real life -
christmas traditions
We made a common video about christmas traditions. We collected pictures from each country. -
winners of the X-Maths contest
Period: to
Workshop for all German Comneius participants
We will work in our rural school hall residence (50 km far from Unna) for 1,5 days to work on different topics and have a video conference will other partners. -
Period: to
New international teams
We have set up 6 new international teams. -
PGU: Comenius seminar
All Comenius students and some maths teachers will be 1,5 days of from school in a rural school hall of residence about 60 km far from Unna. There we work in different teams on various real life topics. -
Open Day at PGU
MMM project will be presented to parents who register their children for PGU for next school year -
Period: to
International teams
There are 6 different topics from real-life.Students are in inteernational teams and work on it at home or in school. -
first iuploads of stories for the Crazy Common Storybook
Period: to
meeting in Cyprus
DE: Teacher Training: Using eTwinning for International Projects
The German coordinator presents eTwinning and MMM to an audience of teachers coming from different schools of North-Rhine-Westfalia (inservice teacher training). We used this opportunity to disseminate our project. -
German eTwinning price
We will not get to know before 27th February we we will given the third, second or first price. -
European prize
Our math MMM-project received the English Language Prize
sponsored by the British Council for the best project in the area of teaching a curriculum subject (mathematics) through the medium of English also called Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
. -
Celebration of the PI DAY
All team celebrated the PI day using material that has been uploaded before from almost all partners. -
Period: to
Meeting in Switzerland
Period: to
prize cermony
The prize ceremony for the European Lauguage prize for MMM project will held in Brussels. The founders of the TS - Monika SAchwarze and Ivan de Winne- will represent the whole team. -
MMM presentations at PGU
All Comenius students will present their work to all classes in grades 7,8,9, 19. -
official end of MMM