
  • Design the low-tech version of the MiPhone.

    Design the low-tech version of the MiPhone.
    By designing the case without the key FOB installed it will allow us to locate a position in market. This will also allow us more time to work with car manufacturers while also making revenue.
  • Work with automaker contacts to gain access to automaker key fob technology.

    Work with automaker contacts to gain access to automaker key fob technology.
    By requesting the key FOB information early, we will be able to work with the auto manufactures to get the cases installed and work with direst sales through dealerships.
  • Talk to consumers and government about the design and features that they really want in a phone case.

    Talk to consumers and government about the design and features that they really want in a phone case.
    By working with the government about a case they want, they will likely purchase more cases, and it will fit the consumers needs.
  • Receive first cases, beta test them with consumers.

    Receive first cases, beta test them with consumers.
    By finding out what consumers do and don’t like about the product, we can change the newer model with key FOB installed
  • Sign contracts with government and retailers.

    Sign contracts with government and retailers.
    Sign contracts to guarantee an amount of production with the government and other retailers like Best Buy or AT&T or Verizon
  • Begin mass production of low tech case in China

    Begin mass production of low tech case in China
    This is the first step to getting cases into the hands of retailers.
  • Distribution of low tech cases to retailers.

    Distribution of low tech cases to retailers.
    Begin the sale of the MiPhone to consumers.
  • Complete design of product for the government.

    Complete design of product for the government.
    By creating a product solely for the government’s use, it is specialized to their needs.
  • Establish a meeting with government agents in charge of building security

    Establish a meeting with government agents in charge of building security
    This will let us meet or exceed the governments required security, making them a happier consumer.
  • Move towards a second round of funding.

    Move towards a second round of funding.
    Securing more funding to allow for expansion and more production
  • Complete design of new MiPhone case with integrated key fob.

    Complete design of new MiPhone case with integrated key fob.
    Using the reviews and input from the consumer will allow us to have a better product, something that allows us to differentiate ourselves more from the competition.
  • Provide sample to government.

    Provide sample to government.
    Let the government see the product that was created.
  • Provide a sample of second-generation case to the investors.

    Provide a sample of second-generation case to the investors.
    Ideally locate new sources of funding and having a real product for them to test will hopefully remove some of the risk that they see in the company.
  • Test key fob product, give to select beta testers.

    Test key fob product, give to select beta testers.
    Allows for reviews and inputs from consumers on the non-government side
  • Begin mass production of key fob integrated case in China.

    Begin mass production of key fob integrated case in China.
    This is the first step to getting our key fob integrated cases into the hands of retailers and consumers.