Milestones of Sophia

  • Sophia's Birth

  • Content at Birth

    Content/semantics that is achieved within the first month of birth is when the infant gives reactions to sounds. An example would be when the infant startles or starts to cry when hearing a loud sound.
    Youtube citation:
    Little baby is tot-ally shocked by dad's strange noise. (2012). YouTube. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from
  • Content at 2 Months

    A content/semantics at 2 months would be when a baby starts to be able to start grabbing things and really start noticing the things they pick up. An example of this would be when Sophia sees her mommy's phone and looks at it for a while and then proceeds to try to put it in her mouth
  • Form at 2 Months

    A form/phonology at 2 months would be the production of cooing and gooing. Cooing and gooing are known to happen when talking or interacting with the infant. By 2 months the infant also "distinguishes its own language from non-native language".
    An example is provided in this video.
    Youtube Citation:
    Your Baby at 2 Months - Boys Town Pediatrics. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from
  • Use at 2 Months

    A use/pragmatic milestone at 2 months would be the infant's ability to glance briefly at people and become aware of strangers and unexpected situations. An example would be when an infant sees a family member they have never met before and begins crying since they are strangers to them.
  • Form at 4 Months

    A form/phonology milestone at 4 months would be producing vowel sounds and glides, squealing, and growling. This means that Sophia is advancing the control of her phonation. For example, she squeals when she is happy and says "eey" while playing in her bouncer.
  • Use at 4 Months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 4 months would be when the baby starts to recognize its own name and its face changes due to that recognization.
    An example would be this video
    youtube citation:
    YouTube. (2022). YouTube. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from
  • Use at 6 Months

    A use/pragmatic milestone at 6 months would be engaging in joint attention. This means the attention of Sophia and her social partner are both on a mutual object. For example, when Sophia's mom is reading a storybook to Sophia, both she and her mom are engaging in joint attention while looking at the pictures in the book.
  • Content at 6 Months

    A content/semantic milestone at 6 months would be attempting to imitate gestures. This means she is observing gestures and beginning to understand the meaning behind gestures. For example, when Sophia's siblings are leaving for school, they wave bye and say "bye-bye" to her. Sophia has watched this encounter multiple times and is starting to wave bye to her siblings when they leave for school.
  • Form at 8 Months

    The form/phonology milestone at 8 months would be when Sophia starts using "phonotactic cues to locate boundaries of words in fluent speech Babbles". An example of this would be when Sophia keeps saying "mamamamamam" altogether.
    YouTube. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from
  • Sophia's First Birthday

  • Form at 12 Months

    The form milestone/ morphology and syntax at the 12-month mark would be the toddler using a majority of single nouns in about 50% of all utterances. The toddler will start referring to one person such as "mama" or other singular items.
  • Use at 12 months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 12 months would be " using referential gestures". It would be seen as voice directions and body posture to infer intentions underlying other people's actions. An example of this would be pointing at a glass when thirsty.
  • Form at 12 Months

    By the 12-month mark for form/ phonology, the toddler has mostly unintelligible speech except for the few words that are constantly repeated around the home such as "ma-ma."
    An example of this Phonology milestone is shown in this video:
    Citation: (2016). YouTube. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from
  • Content At 12 Months

    A content/semantics milestone at the 12-month mark would be the toddler starting to say the first word. Usually, the first word would be a word that is commonly used around the home. Examples of common first words would be "mama," "dada," "doggy," or "juice."
    Youtube Video:
    Citation: (2017). YouTube. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from
  • Form at 12 months

    a form/phonology milestone at 12 months would be "unintelligible speech"; It would be when they are trying to talk but only a few words come out clearly. You can see this in this video YouTube. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
  • Form at 16 Months

    A form milestone at 16 months would be using negation "no". This means Sophia understands the meaning of "no" and is able to use it herself. For example, when Sophia wanted to be picked up by her mom but was told "no", she understood the negation and started crying. Additionally, Sophia has started saying "no" when told that it's naptime. She also has begun to say "no" when she doesn't want a certain toy or food/drink.
  • Content at 16 months

    A content/semantics at 16 months would be "uses between 3 and 20 words." An example of this would be the video I found

    (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from
  • Use At 16 Months

    A milestone for use/pragmatics for the 16-month mark would be the use of verbal turn-taking. Meaning that both individuals are listening to each other speak and interacting back with speech.
    Example video of verbal turn-taking:
    Citation: (2019). YouTube. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from
  • Use at 20 Months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 20 months would be the use of gesture-word combinations. This means Sophia is transitioning from a one-word stage to a two-word stage. For example, when Sophia wanted her dad to sit in a chair, she said "Daddy" while pointing to a chair.
  • Content at 20 Months

    A content/semantics milestone at 20 months would be the use of verbs and adjectives. This means she is improving her knowledge of words and is in line with Stage I of Brown's stages of development. She is also showing signs of transition from Stage I to Stage II. For example, Sophia has said "Daddy eat" while with her dad in the kitchen, and "Big cookie" when she saw a giant cookie on display at a cookie shop in the mall.
  • Form at 20 months

    A form/phonology milestone would be "processes spoken words incrementally." Meaning the child is now processing and speaking more than the words they are used to. An example of this is shown in this video:
    YouTube. (2015). YouTube. Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
  • Form at 20 Months

    The form milestone at 20 months would be when the toddler begins using grammatical morphemes. An example would be adding -ing at the end of words.
    Sentence Examples:
    "They are wait-ing"
    "Baby eat-ing"
  • Use At 24 Months

    The milestone for use/pragmatics by 24 months would be the toddler beginning to use heuristic, imaginative, and informative language functions. An example of heuristic language would be asking questions such as "where is daddy." Imaginative would be used when playing pretend, the toddler may say "I'm a unicorn." Informative language would be giving information, so the toddler might say "race cars are fast."
  • Sohpia's 2nd Birthday

  • Content At 24 Months

    The milestone for content/semantics at 24 months would be the toddler being able to comprehend approximately 500 words and producing about 200. The toddler is now using emotional words in the vocabulary such as happy and sad. A variety of nouns, verbs, and pronounce are used as well.
    A video example of a 24-month-old talking:
    Citation: (2011). YouTube. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from
  • Form at 24 Months

    A Form milestone at 24 months would be using two-word combinations. This means Sophia is beginning syntax. She is combining words to make utterances. For example, when Sophia's baby cousin comes over, Sophia will comment by saying "baby cry" when her cousin is crying. In addition, when Sophia wants more of her drink she'll use two-word combinations such as "more juice."
  • Form at 24 months

    A form milestone at 24 months would be the use of plural and possessive morphemes. This means Sophia is advancing in her knowledge of grammatical morphemes. She understands that adding (-s) and ('s) to a word gives it additional meaning (-s for when there is more than one of something and 's for something that belongs to someone). For example, Sophia saw her dad's hat on the ground and pointed saying "Daddy's hat." In addition, when Sophia saw dogs at the park, she pointed and said "Mommy dogs."
  • Form at 24 months

    A form/phonology milestone at 24 months would be "asks questions with rising intonation." At this point about 65 % of words pronounced are understandable. You can see this in this video:
    YouTube. (2014). YouTube. Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
  • Content at 28 months

    A content/semantics at 28 months would be "Overgeneralizes about one-third of all new words, attends to sentence structure when interpreting new words." An example of this would be when Sophia starts saying "I did ate that".
  • Use at 28 months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 28 months would be "induces and changes discussion topics." It would look like when she engages in short dialogues. An example of this would be when Sophia sees a dog and starts saying dog and then later says I want M&Ms.
  • Form at 28 Months

    A form milestone at 28 months is the use of present progressive morpheme -ing with mastery. This means Sophia fully understands the first grammatical morpheme (additional unit of meaning) that is typically learned first in development and uses it correctly. For example, when Sophia's dad asked her what she was doing in the living room, she said "I'm playing with my dolls." Additionally, she has said "Daddy is napping" and "Mommy's eating"
  • Use at 34 Months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 34 months would be clarifying and requesting clarification during conversations. This means Sophia is using the heuristic language function. Sophia is in a stage of rapid learning where everything is interesting to her and she wants to know more while having a conversation. For example, when Sophia's dad told her that Mommy had gone to buy tulips, she said "what are tulips?"
  • Content at 34 Months

    A content/semantics milestone at 34 months would be asking simple questions. This means she is in between Stages III and IV of Brown's stages of development. She is beginning to increasing her vocabulary at a rapid pace. She has begun to inquire about things and is wanting to learn more. For example, Sophia asks a lot of (wh-) questions such as "where is mommy?" "what is this?" and "why?"
  • Form at 34 Months

    The form milestone by 34 months would be the toddler using about 25% of nouns and 25% of single verbs in all utterances. By 34 months the MLU should also be about 2.85 to 3.16. An example of an utterance at 34 months would be "The teacher gave it to me."
  • Form at 35 months

    A form/phonology milestone would "suppresses most common phonological processes by this age". This just means that about 80% of words said are understandable.
    An example would be " Yes, mommy I want ice cream. I want ...(unintelligible word for whatever flavor).... ice cream".
  • Sophia's 3rd Birthday

  • Form At 36 Months

    A Form/Phonology at the 36-month milestone would be the preschooler starting to develop shallow phonological awareness abilities. This means that the preschooler will begin being aware of word awareness, syllable awareness, and rhyme awareness.
    Phonological awareness activity video:
    Youtube Citation: (2015). YouTube. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from
  • Content At 36 Months

    A milestone for Content/Semantics at 36 months would be using pronouns such as they, them, and us. An example would be the child saying "they went to the playground." By 36 months they also continue to use fast mapping to learn new words. Fast mapping is the process of learning a new word by contrasting it with a word they are already familiar with.
  • Form at 36 Months

    A form/morphology/syntax milestone at 36 months would be the use of four to five words in sentences. This means her syntax is growing and she is starting to transition form simple syntax to complex syntax. For example, when Sophia's mom asked where her dad was, Sophia said "Daddy is in the kitchen."
  • Form At 36 Months

    A form/morphology & syntax milestone by 36 months would be using compound sentences with "and." An example of possible phrases said at 36 months would be "I had breakfast, and then I had a milkshake."
  • Use at 36 Months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 36 months would be starting to engage in longer dialogues. This means Sophia is improving her conversational skills, which is an important development for preschoolers. For example, when Sophia finished eating she told her mother, "I finished my food." Her mother responded, "You did?! Was it good?" Sophia replied to her mother saying, "Yes it was really good!"
  • Content at 40 months

    A content/semantics milestone at 40 months would be " the use of 1,000-1,500 words and comprehending them too": they are starting to understand relational terms. An example would be " my pony (stuffed animal) is soft". "ah this rock is hard."
  • Form At 40 Months

    A milestone for From/Phonology at 40 months would be the preschooler continuing to refine articulatory skills. This means they will continue to strengthen their pronunciation, and grammar and use the appropriate tone to be well understood.
  • Use At 40 Months

    A use/pragmatics milestone of 40 months would be beginning to use primitive narratives. Primitive narrative is the idea of telling an event, an action, and a result. An example would be, " My sister, she went to school, and we stayed home."
  • Form at 40 months

    A form/morphology/syntax milestone at 40 months would be "uses pronouns consistently and adverbs at time." This means that sentence structure in this way has finally kind of been clicking to the child's language. An example would be Sophia starting to use him, theirs, they, she, hers, we, and you.
  • Use at 44 Months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 44 months would be understanding indirect requests accompanied by nonverbal pointing. This means Sophia is understanding pragmatic functions and seeing the connection between pragmatic information and language comprehension. For example, when Sophia and her mom were leaving the house, Sophia's mother said to Sophia "It's going to be cold outside" while pointing to Sophia's jacket. Sophia understood that its cold outside so she should put her jacket on.
  • Content at 44 months

    A content/semantics milestone at 44 months would be "uses syntactic information to narrow the possible meanings of the new words": they are also understanding some kinship vocab. This would look like when a bilingual child calls their uncle "tio". Sophia is now able to say brother and sister and know what it means.
  • Form At 44 Months

    A Form/Morphology & Syntax milestone at 44 months would be the preschooler using past tense consistently. An example of past tense phrases would be " We went to the supermarket yesterday" or "I saw a movie yesterday." The use of contractions will also start to be used consistently by the preschooler. An example of contractions would be "They're," "I'll," and "You'll."
  • Form at 44 months

    A form/phonology milestone at 44 months is when "the child has mastered most consonants": you can start hearing clearing more words like mom and it doesn't sound mumbled. An example would be seen in this video:
    YouTube. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from
  • Sophia's 4th Birthday

  • Form at 48 Months

    A form/morphology/syntax milestone at 48 months would be the use of irregular third-person verbs. This means Sophia is improving in her verb morphology. For example, while Sophia was walking to the backyard with her dad, Sophia's dad stopped to tie his shoe and ushered Sophia to continue walking to the backyard where her mom was. When Sophia made it to her mom, her mom asked where her dad was. Sophia said, "Daddy has to tie his shoes."
  • Content At 48 Months

    A content/semantics milestone of 48 months would be overextending new words on the basis of the object function. An example would be learning the word ball and identifying other objects such as the moon and an orange as a ball because they are round as well.
  • Use At 48 Months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 48 months would be the use of interpretive, logical, participatory, organizing functions, and constructing true narratives. An example would be the child's ability to tell a story using language.
  • Use at 52 months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 52 months would be "using indirect request." Meaning it is something that wants on their own, and being told that's what they want. An example would be "do you know where mommy is?".
  • Content at 52 Months

    A content/semantics milestone at 52 months would be the use of "what do, what does, what did" questions. This means she is advancing in her use of the heuristic discourse function. She is curious about the world and wants to know more. For example, while Sophia's dad was baking a cake, Sophia asked what the electric mixer was, "what does this white machine do?" Another example is when Sophia saw a bee outside and asked her mom, "what do bees eat?"
  • Form at 52 Months

    A form/morphology/syntax milestone at 52 months would be the use of irregular plural forms consistently. This means she is improving her vocabulary and morphological development. For example, when Sophia finished brushing her teeth, she wanted to show her dad. So she ran to her dad and said, "Daddy look at my pretty teeth!"
  • Form at 54 months

    A form/phonology milestone at 54 months looks like is "very intelligible in connected speech": can now form sentences and should know almost all constants but might not know what they mean. An example would be " Mommy when is daddy coming" without breaks and sounds clear and together.
  • Form at 58 Months

    A form/phonology milestone at 58 months is knowing the letters that make up their own name. This means she is improving in her alphabet knowledge and has mastered the phenomenon known as own-name advantage. For example, Sophia can write her name down on a piece of paper. When asked to write the letter "o," Sophia was able to correctly write "o" on a piece of paper.
  • Form at 58 Months

    A form/morphology/syntax milestone at 58 months would look like "combines five to eight words in a sentence". This just means that their sentences are getting longer and more detailed. An example would be "Mommy can we get chocolate donuts."
  • Content at 58 Months

    A content/semantics milestone at 58 months would be the use of deictic terms "this, that, here, there." This means Sophia is able to adopt the perspective of her conversational partner. Her cognitive and pragmatic processes are more advanced now. For example, while walking to the park, Sophia could see the park in the distance and said "we're almost there!"
  • Use at 60 months

    A use/pragmatics milestone at 60 months is "using a narrative with a sequence of events": but no main character or event. An example of this would be Sophia explaining a story that goes 5 different ways. " I ate ice cream", "it's really cold","it's really cold outside", "why is it cold".