Milestones From Birth to Age 2

  • 0-3 Months

    0-3 Months
    Motor Skills are lying on tummy and pushing up on arms, lifts and holds head up.
  • 0-3 Months

    Sensory Milestones are attempts to reach for a toy held above their chest and being able to do variety of movements
  • 0-3 Months

    Communication milestones includes making eye contact, shows interest in faces, and turns head toward sound or voice.
  • 4-6 Months

    Motor milestones develop into using its hand to support self while sitting and reaching for nearby toy while on its tummy.
  • 4-6 Months

    Sensory skill can use both hands to explore toys and bring hands and objects to mouth
  • 4-6 Months

    4-6 Months
    Communication milestones develop into reacting to sudden noises or sounds, listen and respond when spoken to, and begin consonant sounds.
  • 7-9 Months

    Motor skills can sit without support and pick up small objects with thumbs and fingers.
  • 7-9 Months

    Sensory skills are now able to focus on objects near and far and movements such as bouncing/rocking up and down.
  • 7-9 Months

    Communication milestones are no at an increased variety of sounds and syllable combinations, imitating sounds, and recognizing their name
  • 10-12 Months

    Motor skills are at being able to pull to stand and cruise along furniture and clap hands.
  • 10-12 Months

    10-12 Months
    Sensory skills are now at being able to listen to songs, explore toys with fingers and mouth, and crawl away/to objects.
  • 13-18 Months

    13-18 Months
    Motor skills are now being able to walk independently and squat to pick up objects.
  • 13-18 Months

    Sensory skills are now being helped to get dressed, have a regular sleep schedule, and eat more variety of foods.
  • 13-18 Months

    Communication milestones include being able to use 5-10 words, combine sounds and gestures, understand 50 words, and identify 1-2 body parts.
  • By 21 Months

    Use at least 50 words and name objects and picture
  • By 24 Months

    By 24 Months
    Able to use 2 phrases, understand actions words, and use simple pronouns. Also able to follow 2-step directions.
  • 1 Year Old

    Motor Skills may develop into sitting and standing without help and taking a few steps.
  • 1 Year Old

    Communication milestones include responding to simple spoken requests, using simple gestures, and trying to say the words you say
  • 2 Years Old

    2 Years Old
    Motor milestones include kicking a ball, start to run, standing on tiptoes, and climb up/down furniture
  • 2 Years Old

    Communication milestones include saying sentences, pointing to things in a book, following simple instructions, and knowing names of familiar people.