
By tori16
  • Born

    This is my birthdate.
  • Walked

    This could be related to Erik Erikson's Autonomy versus shame and doubt. Learning to walk would be learning to control my body more, and if I kept falling down as I walked would lead more to shame and doubt. This significance would be that if I could walk well, I might feel more confident in controlling myself than if I were overly clumsy as I learned to walk.
  • First word, dog

    This event would be an exapmle of Piaget's preoperational stage. This event's significance would be in that I was developing a cognitive thinking process, relating the word dog to our pet, and realizing that the word dog was a name for it.
  • First time volunteering to help peple

    This event would be an example of Kohlberg's Conventional stage. I learned distinctions about what makes something right and wrong according to others' views. I leanred that helping other people and making their lives better, is morally more right, than helping myself and making my life better.
  • I admit that I broke my mother's favorite vase

    This event would be an example of Kohlberg's Postconventional stage, because I knew that saying I was guilty, rather than letting my sister take the blame, was the more ethically right thing to do.
  • My sister gets married

    This would be an example of Erikson's Identity versus role confusion. My sister getting married, and going through a big life change, would make me confront my own life. I would figure out who I was, since my sister would know enough about herself to know that she wanted to get married.
  • I get my first professional job

    This event would be an example of Erikson's intimancy versus isolation. I would know myself better then, and I would be settling in my new job. I would have to figure out how much time I spent on my work, and trying moving up to in the workpalce, versus spending time with my family and friends, and trying to help others.
  • I get married

    This would be an example of Piaget's formal operations stage. I would be willing to think about a future with my husband that I did not know. I would have to think about the years in the future and come up with a picture for them to feel more secure.
  • I adopt children

    This would be an example of Kohlberg's postconventional stage. I would believe that adopting children who might otherwise have sad lives, would be better than having children with my DNA in them. If I brought children of my own into the world, then I'm bringing more people into a crazy world. If I adopt kids then I'm giving kids already in the world the best lives I can give them.
  • I move to another state

    This would be an example of Erikson's generativity versus stagnation. Moving to a different state would make me feel a little like things flew out of my control. I might try to controll my family to feel a little more steady in my life.
  • First Grandchild born

    This is event coincides with Erikson's psychosocial stage theory. This would be in the integrity versus despair stage in which I would look back on my life and decide if I were satified or not. The addition of a grandchild would probably make me feel good about my life, knowing I raised a child who will raise their own child.