Birth Date
Mikahil Gorbachev was born on March 2, 1931 ( Biography.com) -
College Years
Gorbachev graduated Moscow University in 1955 ( Bioagraphy.com) -
Un-Related World Event
Canned and bottled Cherry Coke was introduced ( On This Date.com) -
Glasnost and Perestroika
Gorbachev launched glasnost and perestroika in March 1985 ( HIstory.com) -
General Secretary
Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party in 1985 ( Biography.com) -
Chernonyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine exploded ( History.com) -
Un-Related Event
Reagan lifted the trade boycott with Poland in 1987 ( On This Date.com) -
Gorbachev and Reagan Sign IRNF
Gorbchev and Reagan sined the Intermediate Range Nulcear Forces ( Biography.com) -
Non-Related Event
Ben and Jerr'y's and Grateful Dead lead singer Jerry Garcia agreed to make an ice cream flavor honoring him called Cherry Garcia ( On This Date.com) -
Non-Related Event
isreal attacked border ships near Egypt ( On This Date.com) -
Non-Related Event
The first McDnald's restaurant opened in the Soviet Union ( On This Date.com) -
Gorbachev was Elected the First President of the USSR
Gorbachev was elected by the Congres of Peoples Duties to become te first president of the Soviet Union ( Biography.com) -
Gorbachev Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Gorbachev wa awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ( Biography.com) -
Non-Related Event
Les Miserable opens at the Theatre St.Denis ( On This Date.com) -
Communist Tried to Remove Gorbachev
Angry Communists tried to remove Gorbachev from power ( Biograpy.com) -
Gorbachev Resigns
Gorbachev resigns as leader of Russia and Boris Yeltsin takes over. ( Biography.com)