Middle Childhood Time Line

  • 6 year old

    Jumps rope,Likes to paint and draw, Show more independence from parents and family.
  • 7 year old

    Practices skills in order to become better,Understands concept of numbers,Jealous of others and siblings.
  • 8 year old

    Starts to mix friends and play with children of the opposite gender,Starts to mix friends and play with children of the opposite gender,Becoming interested in boy-girl relationships, but does not admit it.
  • 9 year old

    Modest about body,Can name months and days of week, in order,More graceful with movements and abilities.
  • 10 year old

    Remainder of adult teeth will develop,Writes stories,Increased interest in the opposite gender.
  • 11 year old

    Likes and respects parents,Enjoys using the telephone,Likes to sew and paint,Learning disabilities, such a reading disability.
  • 12 year old

    Increased interest in the opposite gender,Reads well,Remainder of adult teeth will develop.