Mid-tudor religion

  • 1534

    Break from Rome

    Under the Act of Supremacy, Henry was made the Head of the English Church.
    Parliament can now pass laws on religion
  • 1536

    Act of 10 Articles

    Imposed Lutheran ideas
    - favoured by Cranmer
  • 1536

    Start of monastery dissolution

    Monasteries worth less than £200/yr dissolved
  • 1539

    Act of 6 Articles

    Repealed much of the previous Act of 10 Articles to favour a more Catholic Doctrine
    - supported by Gardiner
  • 1540

    All Monasteries dissolved

  • 1547

    July: Protestant literature

    Book of Homilies and Erasmus' Paraphases
    - to educate the laity
    Protestant literature in every church
    Superstitious images removed
  • 1547

    November-December Acts

    Chantries Act. Repealed Act of 6 Articles
    - no official doctrine. Repealed Treason Act
    - allowed free discussion; led to rioting EG. iconoclasm and milleniarists.
  • 1548

    Feb - Image removal accelerated

  • Jan 15, 1549

    Cranmer's Prayer Book and Act of Uniformity

    New Prayer Book introduced.
    Enforced by Act of Uniformity.
    Introduced Protestant ideas but with wording ambiguous enough to even satisfy Catholics.
    Consubstantiation made doctrine.
  • Oct 11, 1549


  • Dec 1, 1549

    Dec: Removal of images and clerical marriage laws

  • 1550

    New Ordinal

    Removed purgatory.
    Did not remove ceremonial vestment - sparking conflict between Ridley and Hooper.
  • Nov 1, 1550

    Communion tables

    Altars replaced with wooden communion tables.
    Still had to kneel.
  • Jan 1, 1552

    2nd Book of Common Prayer

    Enforced by 2nd Act of Uniformity.
    Strongly Protestant.
    Eucharist: Lords' Supper; plain black robes; confirmation abolished
    Black Rubric Proclamation: explained kneeling in communion was to maintain order, not for idolatrous reasons
  • Jul 6, 1553


  • Aug 18, 1553

    Mary's First Proclamatoin

    No printing without permission but no book destruction yet mentioned.
    No 'papist' or 'heretic' labels.
    Parliament sung mass; bells rang; 7 London churches dressed Catholic
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Act of Repeal

    Restored religion to 1547
  • Oct 1, 1553


    Cranmer, Latimer, Hooper, Ridley arrested
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Act of Supremacy NOT repealed

    Parliament refused
  • Dec 1, 1553

    Mary gave up title of Supreme Head of the Church

  • Apr 1, 1554

    Spring Royal Injunctions

    Deprived married clergy
    - 25% affected; 90 in Bath and Wells
    Restored Catholic practices
    - such as holy days
    Deposed Protestant bishops
    - such as the Arch-Bishop of York
  • Nov 1, 1554

    2nd Act of Repeal

    Restored religion to 1529
    - before HVIII began to stray from Roman Catholicism
  • Nov 2, 1554

    Papal Authority restored

    Cardinal Pole returns as legate.
    Under Pope Julius III
  • Feb 1, 1555

    First Burning

    Biblical translator John Rogers
  • Apr 1, 1555

    Heresy Laws

  • May 1, 1555

    Pope Paul IV

    Overtook Pope Julius III
    Less supportive of Mary's regime
  • Oct 1, 1555

    Ridley and Latimer burned

  • Mar 1, 1556

    Cranmer burned

  • Jun 1, 1557

    Pope Paul IV attempts to remove Cardinal Pole

    Attempted to bring Pole to Rome to accuse him of heresy.
    Mary refused to let him go and refused his replacement
  • Nov 17, 1558