
GC1 Michelangelo to Arch Duke Ferdinand

  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo was a famous Italian artist during the Renaissance time. He's considered one of the greatest artists of all time. In his pieces, he demonstrated a blend of insight, physical realism, and intensity no had ever seen before. He created many well known pieces that are main attractions today such as- David, Pieta, the Prisoners and many more.
  • Aug 15, 1512

    The Sistine Chapel

    The Sistine Chapel
    The Sistine Chapel was one of Michelangelo's most known creations. It attracts more than 5 million visitors every year. At the highest part of the ceiling, Michelangelo's paintings can be seen. From The Last Judgement to The Separation of Light From Darkness, his skills were far beyond his time.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Roman Catholcism

    Roman Catholcism
    Roman catholicism and the the teachings of Jesus were lived and practiced by Christians from the beginning of 1AD. This religion shares teaching of the Holy Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ and draws inspiration from the Bible. Roman catholicism is practiced in Vatican City where the Pope lives and also where the Sistine Chapel was built.
  • Aug 18, 1525

    Battle of Kosovo

    Battle of Kosovo
    The Battle of Kosovo was a war between the Serbians and Ottoman. Kosovo was the borderline between Serbia and Albania. Serbians and Albanian fought over this land, wanting to claim it as their homeland. The Serbians believed in Christianity while the Ottomans believed in Islamic religion. This war resulted in the Serbians falling under control to the Ottoman Empire.
  • Black Hand

    Black Hand
    The Black hand was officially formed on September 6, 1911. This group was created because they wanted Serbia to be free from Austria-Hungary rule. The foundation of their movement may be as a result from the Battle of Kosovo which resulted Serbians to be under the power of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Archduke Ferdinand

    Archduke Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was the royal prince of Austria-Hungary. He was assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand Movement. His death is what sparked the first world war.